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Education is the formation of Jesus Christ in souls, and teaching is the illumination of souls with the splendor of Jesus Christ.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Reflections Reflections over Morning Coffee

Reflections over Morning Coffee

Pat HaggertyReflections over Morning Coffee
Spiritual site in a noisy world…

By Pat Haggerty

Hush PDF Print E-mail

3rd Sunday of AdventBy Pat Haggerty

My son and daughter-in-law were visiting recently with their two month old daughter.  Whenever she fussed, which wasn’t often, my son would do this little ritual of standing and bouncing her slowly while doing a “sh-sh” sound in her ear.  It did the trick!  I didn’t tell my son that I had a similar routine for baby soothing also.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 December 2013 09:36
Making a Difference PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

As many of you know, I work part-time doing workshops for teachers and administrators in various school districts.  I can’t tell you how many Power Points I have created!  While putting one together recently, I chose as my last slide the saying:  “teachers make a difference every single day!”

How do they do that?  Is it by creating a good lesson?  Is it by complimenting a child?  Is it by assisting a colleague with a difficult task?  It could be one of the above or all of the above!

A String of Pearls PDF Print E-mail

Madonna of the Rosary, Rosary Monastery of Monte Mario in RomeBy Pat Haggerty

As a young girl growing up I lived across the street from my great-aunts.  There were five of them---five unmarried sisters living together and being family all on their own.  They devoted much of their lives to me and my siblings.  My father was their only nephew, and his mother was their sister.

I spent lots of time at “the Aunties.”  They contributed greatly to my development and even my Christian formation.  I often went to seven o’clock mass with them on Sundays.  One of the Aunties brought me on my first retreat.  They showed me the example of prayer by praying daily and sharing that with me.

Last Updated on Friday, 18 October 2013 13:31
Spiritual Journey PDF Print E-mail

I encourage you to think about your spiritual journey.  Reflect on it.  Plan for it.  Be ready for it!By Pat Haggerty

My husband and I have been planning a trip abroad for almost a year.  Now, it’s almost here!  I marvel at the amount of time and preparation we have put into this trip.  My husband is very detail-oriented, so you can imagine what I have been through to finalize our plans.  It’s all good!  I need someone to keep me on task and help me prioritize.

As I put the finishing touches on our plans, it occurs to me that this journey can be analogous to the spiritual journey we travel every day.  How much time and preparation do we put into our journey toward Eternal Life?  We know we are supposed to be thoughtful travelers, caring travelers, and Christ-like travelers.  But, are we?

Network of Mutuality---Mystical Body of Christ PDF Print E-mail


When I am not writing blogs or babysitting my grand-children, I serve as an educational consultant working with educators across the state.  August has been a busy month, because lots of school districts are trying to get in some professional development for their staff members before school starts.  In my work, I talk a lot about collaboration and risk-taking as necessary catalysts for school change.

When discussing the importance of collaboration, I often use a quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.  This is a very timely quote in light of the 50th anniversary celebration of Dr. King’s famous “I have a Dream” speech.

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