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Home WHAT’S NEW Reflections Reflections over Morning Coffee Spiritual Journey

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I encourage you to think about your spiritual journey.  Reflect on it.  Plan for it.  Be ready for it!By Pat Haggerty

My husband and I have been planning a trip abroad for almost a year.  Now, it’s almost here!  I marvel at the amount of time and preparation we have put into this trip.  My husband is very detail-oriented, so you can imagine what I have been through to finalize our plans.  It’s all good!  I need someone to keep me on task and help me prioritize.

As I put the finishing touches on our plans, it occurs to me that this journey can be analogous to the spiritual journey we travel every day.  How much time and preparation do we put into our journey toward Eternal Life?  We know we are supposed to be thoughtful travelers, caring travelers, and Christ-like travelers.  But, are we?

Have we read through our itinerary; secured our passports; and packed our luggage?  I don’t mean for our trip---that’s been taken care of!  I mean for our daily journey on this road of life we have been placed on.  So often, we call this our journey and it is.  So, let’s take the time and care to travel it well.

Our itinerary is God’s word, which serves as our manual for how to live.  One need only reflect on the stories in the Bible, God’s word at Mass, and daily readings which we should engage in.  Our passports are the sacraments---beginning with our Baptism, which opens the door for us to begin our journey.  We are sustained by the grace of the sacraments.  So, if there is ever any doubt as to where we are going, we can gain strength from the sacraments.   We get our nourishment from the Eucharist.

Finally, what should we bring on our spiritual journey; what should we pack?  Nothing!  In Luke’s gospel, he tells us:  “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.  Sell your possessions, and give alms; provide yourselves with purses that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Luke 12:32)

Our treasure consists of a pure heart, a generous spirit and a life centered on God.  It consists of giving who we are and sharing our gifts and talents.

Along our spiritual journey, we encounter people who will help us.  They are the angels who have been placed on our paths to guide us and protect us.  They may be family members, friends, and colleagues.  They may be unsuspecting and veiled in humanity, but they have been placed on our paths to serve as our guides.  Don’t ignore them!

I encourage you to think about your spiritual journey.  Reflect on it.  Plan for it.  Be ready for it!

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