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Education is the formation of Jesus Christ in souls, and teaching is the illumination of souls with the splendor of Jesus Christ.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Reflections over Morning Coffee

Pat HaggertyReflections over Morning Coffee
Spiritual site in a noisy world…

By Pat Haggerty

Reality Checks and Humility PDF Print E-mail

By Pat Haggerty

You know yourselves---every once in awhile we need a reality check!  It is something that will jolt us back to where we should be, or it will provide us with an opportunity to reflect on where we should be.  The best reality checks are really the “aha” moments that happen in our lives.  No matter the form of your reality check, I believe they are a grace from God.  We don’t necessarily wish them to happen---they just do!  And, when they do, we should simply give thanks.

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 June 2012 11:31
Processions and Blue Organza Dresses PDF Print E-mail

By Pat Haggerty

When I was a young girl the month of May was a big deal!  I attended the local “parochial” school, and we were all about May shrines and May processions.  We even sang a song that began:  “C’est le mois de Marie; c’est le mois le plus beau” (It is the month of Mary; it is the most beautiful month).  Indeed, it was!

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 June 2012 11:32
A Sincere Heart PDF Print E-mail

By Pat Haggerty

I always start each day with a brief reflection from Catholic Digest called “A Quiet Moment.”  The reflection for May 1st was a proverb:  “A sincere heart can make a stone blossom.”   That reflection was quite significant to me in light of the recent passing of one of the curates from our parish.

Father Philip Bonvouloir, A.A. passed away on Saturday leaving behind a void for his parish family and his family of Assumptionist brothers.  Actually, it isn’t really a void because Father Phil’s legacy will live on.  It is a legacy of caring, living out his priestly life to the fullest, and living a God-centered life rooted in the reality of this world.

A Marathon and Spirituality PDF Print E-mail

By Pat Haggerty

In a previous blog, I told you about one of my favorite spiritual writers, James Behrens, OCSO.   There is an essay in his book, Grace Revisited, which is particularly moving to me.   The essay is called “Andy’s Diner.”  In this vignette, Behrens equates spirituality with the goings-on of the diner.   He tells the reader about certain customers who frequented the diner and what they shared with each other.  He points out the generosity and openness of the proprietor.  He goes so far as to say:  “There was something sacramental to it all.  Those people gave me something that made me think about and long for the truth and experience of God.”

Don’t Be Alone on your Journey PDF Print E-mail

By Pat Haggerty

This is considered the holiest of weeks for Christians.  How often have you heard that already?  What does this week really mean for us?  How can we give it meaning?  I think we need to give it value through our daily actions and by wrapping ourselves in the stillness of the week.

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