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The strength of Christian charity is to be able to love those whom we judge to be impossible to live with and who, in turn, consider us impossible to live with as well.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Reflections over Morning Coffee

Pat HaggertyReflections over Morning Coffee
Spiritual site in a noisy world…

By Pat Haggerty

The Quality of Mercy PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

I recently had lunch with a dear friend of mine who happens to be a Sister of Mercy.  Sister Joanne and I meet several times a year to catch up on each other’s news, talk about acquaintances and discuss the Church. We have a wonderful relationship that began when I was a freshman in college and when Joanne was my writing instructor. God has a unique way of putting special people in our lives.

Since we hadn’t gotten together at the holidays, Joanne had a belated Christmas gift for me. It was a Mercy candle---especially made for the Sisters of Mercy.  I was so touched!  Not only is this a beautiful candle but it sparked in me (no pun intended) the desire to be really aware of the Jubilee Year of Mercy.  We hear so much about it, and we see its symbol in all of our churches.  Even as I was driving home after my visit with Joanne, I passed several churches with huge banners outside with the words “Merciful Like the Father.”

What is your Gift? PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

The Christmas season is officially over.  After all the preparation and planning, we are moving forward in the liturgical year.  Some churches are shedding their decorations, removing their Christmas trees and storing the manger for another year.  As I look around my neighborhood, I see fewer lights and definitely a minimum of Christmas trees still standing.  Ours is still up because we are having a delayed family celebration in a few days.  I always call it “Petit Noel.”  I know it is after the Epiphany, but, I can still call it that---thus keeping the spirit going for a little longer!

I have been reflecting on Christmas and what it means to me.  I would encourage you to do the same!  What can we carry away from Christmas that will give us impetus for spiritual renewal?  What symbol of the season can we hold onto that will provide us with some direction?  I don’t think that we are meant to experience Christ in the manger and then forget that anything happened.  There are so many lessons to be learned from Mary’s yes, Joseph’s acceptance and Jesus’ coming into our world.

Voices of Angels PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

I am a classic movie fan---especially at this time of the year.  Once Thanksgiving comes, I take out my stash of old movies (now on DVD) and begin the process of savoring them.  They never get stale, and I can still cry over many of them, despite the fact that I have seen them countless times.

Without a doubt, my two favorites are It’s a Wonderful Life and The Bishop’s Wife. In both of these movies, an angel provides enlightenment to the main characters.  In It’s a Wonderful Life, Clarence is sent to earth to let George Bailey see what the world would have been like without him.  George discovers the essence of what makes life worth living and Clarence earns his wings.  In The Bishop’s Wife, Dudley is the answer to Bishop Henry Broughmam’s prayers.  The Bishop needs to find some perspective in his ministry and in his personal life.  The angel, Dudley, steps into Henry’s life to show him what he is missing and what God wants of him.

The King of Love PDF Print E-mail


We live in troubled times and in a troubled world.  That has become so clear as evidenced by the recent happenings in Paris.  We feel for the French people and we unite with them in solidarity offering our prayers and empathizing with their struggles.  How can one find hope in such a cauldron of insanity?

Believe me, I have no answers, nor am I trying to oversimplify this plight.  It is an extremely complex political, social and religious issue.  I am just trying to find solace and comfort from God’s word.  I am trying to reflect on it connecting the “realities of today,” as Pope Francis has often said, with the message of the gospel.

I am suggesting that we reflect on the gospel  for the feast of Christ the King.  It turns the focus of power  and control on Jesus.  In the gospel story, Jesus responds to Pilate regarding his kingship.  He says:  “You say I am a king.  For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.  Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18:37)

The Jesus Effect PDF Print E-mail

Our Lord Jesus ChristBy Pat Haggerty

Most of us are still basking in the memories of Pope Francis’ visit to the United States.  What a glorious time for Catholics, for families and for the world at large!  One cannot erase the memories of Francis riding in his pope-mobile, greeting President Obama, embracing the children, speaking before Congress and walking up the steps of St. Patrick’s Cathedral.  There are so many images that they must be compartmentalized and categorized in our minds.

No matter our memories, it is the messages that ring out loud and clear.  We cling to his words about social justice, compassion, empathy, and embracing one another.  The Golden Rule takes on new meaning and has become our mantra.  We have renewed interest in his four American exemplars.  No doubt Amazon saw an increase in sales of books by Thomas Merton.  Hopefully, there is a greater awareness of the Catholic Worker Movement in our country and beyond.  When we are ready to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January, we will remember the words of Pope Francis.  Lastly, the contributions of Abraham Lincoln will resonate more deeply in our hearts as Americans and lovers of equality.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 November 2015 15:42
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