Augustinians of the Assumption

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The strength of Christian charity is to be able to love those whom we judge to be impossible to live with and who, in turn, consider us impossible to live with as well.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Reflections over Morning Coffee

Pat HaggertyReflections over Morning Coffee
Spiritual site in a noisy world…

By Pat Haggerty

Many Kinds of Service PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

Over the Memorial Day weekend, I happened to be in a store with my brother-in-law, a retired Army officer.  He was wearing his baseball hat that had embroidered on it “Retired Army.”  One of the sales clerks came up to my brother-in-law and thanked him for his service.  Dick, my brother-in-law, was genuinely moved.  I could tell that he was touched by the young man’s kindness but also very proud of his time in the military.

We owe so much to those who have served our country.  They have given of themselves, and some have given their lives, so that we can live in a country that is free.  Let us thank them often and not just on a holiday weekend!

When we say the word “service,” it can conjure up many things and not just military service.  It brings to mind reaching out to others, helping those in need and making a connection with those isolated in our society.  We all can serve in many ways---big and small.  Mother Teresa has left us that legacy.  She once said, “May we never forget that in the service to the poor we are offered a magnificent opportunity to do something beautiful for God.” (From Mother Teresa:  No Greater Love)

The Most Beautiful Month PDF Print E-mail

Blessed Virgin MaryBy Pat Haggerty

Everyone has their favorite month.  Perhaps it’s the month of their birthday or a month associated with their favorite season.  I wouldn’t say that May is my favorite month, but, like a childhood song I know, it is the “most beautiful month.”  As an elementary student at St. Anthony’s School, we always sang “It is the month of Mary” during May.  It began with the words:  “It is the month of Mary; it is the most beautiful month.”  We sang it in French, though:  “C’est le mois de Marie; c’est le mois le plus beaux.”  That song still resonates with me.

There are numerous Marian hymns that we can identify with.  Many are hymns that we sang as children that conjure up images of May processions and rosary devotions.  I was curious to delve into more songs of Mary.  In a popular GIA publication, I counted sixty-one hymns to Mary.  They read like a timeline of Mary’s life---a life integrally woven into the life of Christ.  It is awe-inspiring to think of Mary and the path that led her to be the Mother of Jesus.  Thinking about the scope and depth of Mary’s commitment is most humbling.  We can learn so much from Mary.  At the heart of who Mary is beats her beautiful YES to the Angel Gabriel.  It is the yes that brought our salvation story to fruition.

Joseph Gelineau’s beautiful song, “Canticle of Mary” adapts the Magnificat in a very special way.  Antiphon II of the hymn is as follows:  “Blest are you, O Virgin Mary, blest are you for your great faith.  All that the Lord promised you will come to pass through you, alleluia, alleluia.”

The Strength of the Shepherd PDF Print E-mail

Christ the Good ShepherdBy Pat Haggerty

We have been so enriched during this Easter season with beautiful gospels. We experienced the doubt of Thomas and the Lord’s peace on Divine Mercy Sunday. We traveled the road to Emmaus with the two disciples of the Lord, who shared bread with Him on their journey. We receive consolation and further peace when we hear the story of the good shepherd on the Fourth Sunday of Easter.

There is nothing more beautiful than the image of the Lord carrying the sheep on His shoulders. The image shows compassion, caring, strength and even docility. There is something so dichotomous about the image of the shepherd. Within him there is strength and a commitment to his flock. Yet, he shows a softness and gentleness in supporting that sheep.

What an image for us to reflect on!  What amazing words from John for us to consider:  “I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep.” (10:11)

Last Updated on Friday, 01 May 2015 09:55
Rejoice and Be Glad PDF Print E-mail

Azaleas flowersBy Patt Haggerty

I always love singing the responsorial psalm for Easter Sunday: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.” (Psalm 118) The psalm reminds us that “The right hand of the Lord has struck with power; the right hand of the Lord is exalted. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.”

What we are asked to do is not focus on things of the earth but rather on what is beyond.  In the gospel for Tuesday of Easter Week, we receive another reminder from John.  He tells us that Mary Magdalene was weeping near the tomb looking for her Lord.  In that beautiful scene, she discovers the risen Lord and calls him “Rabbouni” (teacher).  The Lord tells her:  “Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. “

A Sign of Hope PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

After the very difficult winter that we have experienced, the actuality of spring is a true joy!  It doesn’t matter if the weather is still cold or even if we see a few flakes.  Dare I say that?  The fact is---spring is beginning.

There is something so hopeful about that distinction on the calendar.  One can almost envision the flowers blooming and the birds chirping.  It is a mindset.  We expect good things, and they eventually will happen.  We are willing to be patient because we know the outcome.

In some ways, the same can be said about Lent.  Despite its bareness, its starkness, its austerity, Lent is a hopeful season.  We don’t often think of it that way, but it is.  We function in a spirit of sacrifice and penance. Yet, we do so knowing that, in the end, we will be celebrating the joy of the Resurrection and the splendor of the risen Lord.

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