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Home WHAT’S NEW Reflections Reflections over Morning Coffee A Remembrance

A Remembrance PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

When I wrote my last blog, I was sharing thoughts about transitions. There are so many that we face on a daily basis. One significant transition I omitted, though, was the transition of loss. One must somehow adapt to losing someone. The loss of a family member or dear friend is not only heart-breaking but difficult in so many ways.

This August I lost my dear Mother and that has caused me to re-think many of my values. The Lord has been good to me. He has brought me peace and consolation. He has sent me so many signs from the events that have transpired in the past few months.

My sisters and I have been cleaning through my Mother’s things. It has been a tiresome but very valuable endeavor. How does one sum up a life in things? You don’t. You some it up in beautiful memories, little mementoes, and the presence of your loved one in your heart.

There were no surprises in what we discovered in Mom’s things. We knew we would find tons of books, notes and journals---and we did. We were amazed at what a prolific writer she was!  One of the myriad sheets of paper she saved was a copy of something I had written several years ago. I don’t think it was for a blog, but it may have been for a parish newsletter. I am not sure.

Bear with me, as I share an excerpt from that piece:

“Recently, I have come to a decisive revelation:  I am my Mother!  I had heard that this could become a reality; now I know for sure that it is true.  While I was growing up, I would watch my Mother make lists, keep journals, and collect sayings.  She still does this, and I am doing it too.  The cycle continues---and that’s a good thing.  My Mother has grown through her musings, writings, and collections.  I only hope I can do the same.  Long before I understood the value of writing and journaling, my Mother was, through her example, showing me the merit of being a writer and a thinker.”

I thank God for my Mother’s gift to me!  She has inspired me, as I know she will continue to do.  She has left me a treasured legacy.

May I suggest that you find joy in writing, too.  If writing is not for you, then, please find inspiration and wisdom in the writing of others.

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