:: Quote of the Day :: |
If you count simply on your own strength, you will certainly fall. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
The Associate Missionaries of the Assumption is a lay volunteer mission program wherein the lives of a community of persons are rooted in the love of Jesus Christ and His Church. Their lives are marked by bearing witness to:
- a community life characterized by a commitment to personal and communal growth, the values of a simple lifestyle, the spirituality of the contemplative in action, and a spirit of trust;
- a prayer life deeply rooted in Jesus and Mary, the celebration of the Eucharist, and the celebration of prayer in community;
- a life in mission impelled by the faith to work for the Christian transformation of society, which comes from faith.
For more information on the program and recent photos of volunteers on mission, check out the AMA web site: www.AssumptionVolunteers.org
Last Updated on Monday, 19 September 2011 14:23 |