Augustinians of the Assumption

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If you count simply on your own strength, you will certainly fall.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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ASSUMPTIONIST CENTER WELCOMES NEW RESIDENTSThe Assumptionist Center in Brighton, MA recently welcomed six new residents. Though classes were well underway for those enrolled in degree or sabbatical programs, the Orientation Day began on Sunday, September 11th with a con-celebrated Liturgy with Fr. Claude Grenache, A.A., superior of the house, as principal celebrant. Fr. Claude warmly welcomed the new and returning residents, our two resident families, employees and the Center’s staff on behalf of the local community of Assumptionists. In his homily, Fr. Claude challenged those gathered to live the message of the Sunday gospel, that is, as followers of Christ we must be men and women of faith and forgiveness. Committed to prayer and the Eucharist in our community setting, we have as our models the lives of St. Augustine and Fr. d’Alzon. At the Liturgy’s conclusion, the new residents were invited to come forward to receive the Prayer of Christians, the congregation’s Rule of Life and a special blessing conferred by all. The poignancy of the Liturgy was greatly enhanced by the cantor, musicians and the full bodied voices of the congregation.

Everyone then gathered in the living room for a most enjoyable ice-breaker of sharing funny and/or embarrassing stories that were not included in ‘official’ biographic sketches. This led into a brief exchange of Q & As which addressed the general and specific nuts and bolts of living together in community on a daily basis. This was followed by a relaxed and enjoyable cookout with several participating in a competitive game of Bean Bag Toss where hidden skills abounded in great measure…with many laughs!

Of the twenty residents at the Center, seven are Assumptionists and thirteen more religious and lay who are involved in some form of studies. They include: seven lay graduate students, two Edmundite seminarians, a diocesan priest from New Zealand, a Benedictine priest from St. Anselm’s and a Franciscan and Christian brother.

As the Center’s former and present community will attest, the purpose of this house in Brighton is to build a Christian community composed of religious and lay inspired by the Assumptionist way of life. The members, employees, and friends are from many countries and varied cultural backgrounds. Community prayer and worship are at the heart of the Center’s life where all are invited to participate. Other elements of their life together include: meals, occasional meetings, commitment to study, hospitality and joyous celebrations where guests are always welcome.

For more information contact: Fr. Donald Espinosa, A.A. at

Last Updated on Friday, 16 September 2011 10:11
© 2005-2025 Augustinians of the Assumption | 330 Market Street, Brighton, MA 02135 | Tel. 617-783-0400 | Fax 617-783-8030 | E-mail: