Augustinians of the Assumption

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Everything is possible for one who believes. Everything is easy for one who loves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Students from Assumption on the way to the 2011 World Youth Day

Students from Assumption on the way to the 2011 World Youth Day PDF Print E-mail

World Youth Day 2011 LogoAssumption College in Worcester, MA is very happy to be able to take a contingent of students and other members of the Assumption community to World Youth Day this summer in Madrid, Spain, August 16-21st. This will provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students not only to attend World Youth Day, but also to gain a much broader, global perspective of the Assumption family and the Catholic Church.

In addition to the experience of World Youth Day itself, our group will join the Assumptionists in France on August 10th in order to participate in the pilgrimage to Lourdes, culminating on August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption. For our students, this will be an especially meaningful aspect of the trip since so few have had the opportunity to visit and experience Lourdes.

As our planning continues, so does the level of excitement amongst those on campus who are planning to participate in this potentially life-changing opportunity! We are particularly grateful for the chance to share this experience with the global Assumption family and to grow in faith alongside them, both in Lourdes and at World Youth Day in Madrid.

Stephanie S. McCaffrey
Campus Ministry
Assumption College, Worcester, MA

Last Updated on Thursday, 17 February 2011 22:40
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