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Home WHAT’S NEW First vows of Fabián Guzmán Neves and Juan José Antunes

First vows of Fabián Guzmán Neves and Juan José Antunes PDF Print E-mail

First vows of Fabián Guzmán Neves and Juan José AntunesOn Sunday, January 2, 2011, in the late afternoon, in the Assumptionist parish of Santa Ana in Rengo (Chile), two   young men made their first vows, Fabián Guzmán Neves (Colombian) and Juan José Antunes (Brazilian). Very Rev. Juan Carlos Cisterna, the provincial of Chile-Argentina accompanied by Very Rev. Luiz Carlos de Oliveira, provincial of Brazil, presided at the Mass.


A large number of friends and parishioners as well religious from many different congregations attended the ceremony. There was also a large contingent of fellow Assumptinists, deacons,· and members of the wider assumption family (Oblates and Religious of the Assumption). The international novitiate for Latin America is located in Rengo, about an hour south of the capital, Santiago,·and Fr. Aldo Gajardo Álvarez· serves as master of novices.

Brother Ramón Gutierrez, AA

Domingo 2 de enero de 2011.

A las cinco de la tarde, en la parroquia Santa Ana (Rengo), ceremonia de profesión de los hermanos Fabián Guzmán Neves (colombiano) y Juan José Antunes (brasileño).

Preside la Eucaristía el P. Juan Carlos Cisterna Bastías, Superior provincial de Chile acompañado por el P. Luiz Carlos de Oliveira, Superior provincial del Brasil.

Gran cantidad de laicos y religiosas de diversas congregaciones.

En el presbiterio además de los dos superiores provinciales:

P. Marcelo Marciel, P. Bolívar Paluko Lukensano, P. Javier Fontán, P. Olivier d´Argouges, P. Jobson Ferreira Belinato, Hno. Juan Manuel Núñez, Hno. Alejandro Godoy, Wilder Pérez (postulante) José Luis Martínez (postulante).

Diáconos permanentes: Jorge Campos, Nasario Ponce, José Pérez Guzmán.

Acompañando a los novicios: P. Algo Gajardo Álvarez  (Maestro de novicios).

También presentes dos Oblatas de la Asunción del Brasil y cuatro Religiosas de la Asunción.

Last Updated on Friday, 14 January 2011 12:01
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