PICTURES : JAMES T. ROJAS, KALOOB, H&I 90% of maize crops destroyed
Recently, Super Typhoon Mangkhut, known as Super Typhoon Ompong in the Philippines, has hit northern Luzon. Fortunately, the Assumptionist community was not fatally harmed. All the religious, their families and partners are safe. In Piat, the houses built four years ago (after typhoon Hayan) and also the water tank withstood extreme winds (250 km/h - 155 m/h). But the provinces of Kalinga and Ifugao in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) endured severe devastation, due to lanslides. At least 95 persons died and many are declared missing. The crops, roads and irrigation systems have been seriously damaged, putting farmer families in dire situations.
Kaloob joins forces with Handicap International
Kaloob has decided to act in partnership with Handicap International in Pinukpuk Municipality, located in the province of Kalinga. 6922 households are concerned. The farmers on site reported that up to 90% of maize crops (cash crops) were destroyed and up to 60% for rice fields. Rice crops are used only for their own consumption. They were about to harvest at the time of the Typhoon and so the loss is directly impacting. Markets are affected and an increase of 5 to 20 pesos has already been noted. According to traders, the nearest market would be soon running out of rice. Affected farmers of Pinukpuk are buying new seeds to replant their fields immediately. To do this, some had to borrow on credit with interest. These populations need cash grants to help them with their basic needs and to restart their agricultural production activity as soon as possible.
1 400 workers mobilized
Kaloob and Handicap International organize with the local communities a “cash for work” system. Monitored by a team of experienced workers, one person per household is recruited to help clear the roads and farms accesses, repair water systems, and reinforce existing structures (schools, barangay hall). Cleaning kits (wheelbarrow, hacksaw, bolo, twister steel bar, chisel, hammers, shovel, crowbar, gloves, sacks, boots, etc.) will be distributed and over 1400 workers mobilized. According to legal fares, a day salary for a non experienced worker amounts to 400 pesos (6,7 € / 7,4 $). This revenue will allow them to cope until the next harvest.
Because of this extreme situation, we call for your generosity to help the farmers and their families.
1 worker day salary = 400 pesos / 7 euros / 7,5 dollars
1 worker week salary = 20 000 pesos / 35 euros / 37,5 dollars
1 clean up kit for a community = 28 000 pesos / 467 euros / 518 dollars

Thank you for your trust and solidarity
Brother Ariel Vidanes, Kaloob Director
Father Bernard Holzer, Kaloob President
