Augustinians of the Assumption

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What is adoration? It is the recognition of the reign of God over all creatures, and over us.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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With Bishop Mark Seitz! With Bishop Mark Seitz!
Fr. John and I were very impressed with his simplicity and generosity!
He has done wonderful work at the diocese of El Paso!

This past week, Fr. John and I had an opportunity to visit El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico! We were able to meet with Bishop Mark Seitz, Fr. Arturo and Fr. Franck from St. Mark, Dylan from Hope Border Institute, the people who work closely with the immigrants and asylum seekers and the Religious of the Assumption in Chaparral, New Mexico! We were also able to visit Nazareth House, where some of the Asylum seekers are brought before they are sent to their relatives to process their Asylum papers.

This experience is truly inspiring and enlightening! I’m truly inspired and moved by the generosity and dedication of the people who work closely with the immigrants and Asylum seekers. I also have a better sense now of the process that the immigrants and Asylum seekers have to go through before and after they enter the USA. This experience has given me the opportunity to be aware of their struggles and the challenges! The needs in El Paso are clearly overwhelming! I have been truly grateful for this wonderful experience.

Sister Chabella, RA! Sister Chabella, RA!
I am clearly inspired by her joy and love for the people she is serving in Chaparral, New Mexico!

Saint Mark in El Paso! Saint Mark in El Paso!
10,000 people are attending Mass every Sunday! 8 Masses in Spanish during weekends!

Fr. Arturo, Fr. Frank and Fr. John! Fr. Arturo, Fr. Frank and Fr. John!
Fr. Arturo is the pastor of Saint Mark and oversees many leadership programs in the parish and the diocese of El Paso!
Fr. Frank is associate pastor.

Fr. Mario is the Campus Minister of the University of Texas El Paso and Cecilia!
Fr. Mario is the Campus Minister of the University of Texas El Paso and Cecilia!

Dylan, the director of Hope Border Institute!Dylan, the director of Hope Border Institute!

Casa de Migrante is in Juarez, Mexico!Casa de Migrante is in Juarez, Mexico!

Omar was our guide in Juarez! Omar was our guide in Juarez!
Omar has a degree in Architecture and taught in one of the universities in Juarez for many years!
He had a conversion experience during the 8-day-Ignatian retreat.
He then decided to give up his profession as professor and work instead with the poor people of Juarez!

Selfie with the RA sisters after mass!!!Selfie with the RA sisters after mass!!!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 October 2018 20:57
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