Augustinians of the Assumption

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Take up and read the Gospel, re-read it, meditate on it, and apply from the life of the Savior whatever you are able to imitate.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW The Chapter’s Coordination

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2017-04-30 - Lyon

Accounting the President – Fr. Benoît Grière – they are nine to be in charge of the good conduct of the 33rd General Chapter. In a nutshell, they introduce themselves, how they met the congregation, how they consider their role during the Chapter and which texts inspire them.

Fr. Wilfrid KASEREKA KIBANDA. Province of Africa

I met the Assumption during my studies in secondary school where young friars where in internship to teach... A little Athens in a state-owned school. I would like to lead the Chapter within a spirit of collaboration until a vision of Augustins of the Assumptions, more integrated and harmonious.

“He tat believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”

The moderators.

Fr. Bernard Holzer. Province of Northern America and Philippines

I was twelve years-old and Iwanted to become a priest. A friend from my hometown in Alsace extols the benefits of Scherwiller’s alumnate. “You’ll see, it’s like a family. The Fathers are nice and play football and ping-pong with us!”

Chapter’s members chose me as Moderator: I am the elder and took part in seven General Chapters, and I will help to pass on the baton to the younger by teaching them the mechanism of this kind of meeting.

“I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

P. Marcelo Enzo MARCIEL MUNOZ. Curie généralice.

My religious vocation is born in a parish and a sanctuary dedicated to Notre-Dame of Lourdes in Santiago of Chile, and where the Assumptionists have been present for decades. My experience in animation in the congregation has begun in the Andes region. I took part in the General Chapter of 2005 and 2011 during which I was elected member of the Generalate Curia. These moments marked me by a deep spirituality, an experience of communion and discernment. As moderator, I hope we answer to the world challenges with daring and creativeness. I am convinced there is a new wine in our provinces. We are co-responsible of one another.

I like reading the verses of the Emmaüs disciples (Lk 24 : 13-35) when it is said they recognised Him when He broke the bread. It is our strength and greatest wealth.

Fr. Louis-Martin Rakotoarilala. Province of Madagascar.

I met the Assumption when I was at the diocesan Minor Seminary of Fianarantsoa (Madagascar), by the reading of a book about male congregations present in Madagascar. I think being a moderator is a service, not only for my capitulant brothers, but also for the all Congregation. The goal I want to reach is to give my best so that this Chapter be a source of renewal while being faithful to our Founder’s charisma.

« For me to live is Christ », that is the word which leads Father Alzon’s life. Following his paths, these words from St. Paul are mine : “nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me”.

Secretary : Fr. Jean-François PETIT. Province d’Europe.

While studying in Bordeaux, I met the Assumptionists : a welcoming, warm, diversified community, present in a parish and which knew accompanying me while letting me free and trusting in me.
My role as secretary is to serve my brothers (and lay sisters !). It’s my second General Chapter: I still discover new horizons…I think we can really improve, specially in the renewal of our religious and community life in an always changing world, overwhelmed but thrilling and where God is anyway there.

My reference is Fr. Alzon, our founder. He achieved so much with so few. I think that he touches me by the spirit of freedom he put. But now, it’s our turn to play !

Pro-secretary : Fr. Bernard Le Leannec. Generalate Curia.

I entered alumnate at 11. The Assumptionnists had been my educators and those who helped me to grow up. I pronounced my religious vows at 21. It is the second time I take part in a Chapter. As any capitulant, my role is to fix the choices – with my brothers – to make so that the Kingdom of God come, within and around us for the next six years. « Religious life is in giving yourself » Fr. Alzon

The Gospel should be taken without tranquillisers. This is what the Church Fathers did.

“It is in them that we should seek the radical nature of the prophecy. They remind us that we are called to come out of our comfort zones, forsake all that is worldly: in our way of life, but also in thinking up new ways forward for our Institutes. New roads are to be found in the founding charism and initial prophecy.”

Pope Francis, Q&A with General Superiors in Rome, November 25, 2016. Quoted in the Opening Liturgy of the General Chapter, April 28, 2016.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 May 2017 08:55
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