Augustinians of the Assumption

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Take up and read the Gospel, re-read it, meditate on it, and apply from the life of the Savior whatever you are able to imitate.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Fr. General's Report

2017-04-30 - Lyon
Most of the day was dedicated to the presentation and the exchanges around Benoît Grière’s – Father General- report. This document was largely spread out in early 2017 and shaped a large consensus from the overview and the challenges listed by Father General. A first synthesis - well illustrated by various pictures- allowed us to remind the main points and the structure of the document. Then, Father General delivered his conclusions and some of the challenges which were enforced at the beginning of our works. The report shows a diagnostic which takes care of the essential – without concessions – and opens a new lane of trust. Father General writes: “ Assomptionist life occupies a modest space…But we must not underestimate ourselves. We are not poor. My contacts with the Holy See convinced me we are useful workers for the Evangelisation.”. He continues: “Our chapter does not aim to revolutionise our congregation. But it aims to be guided by the Holy Spirit, like in Jerusalem, on Pentecost Day". Groups workshops identified some of the challenges our congregartion is facing. Then we listened to Provincial Fathers ‘reports, beginning by Brazil – country where the first ommunities were founded more than 80 years ago.

At the end of the day, Fr. Dominique Greiner (Province of Europe) shared his stimulating reading - inspired by Popes’ recent teachings – about what the Assumption can derive from them and the spirit of reformation for its charisma. As John-Paull II said to Oceania bishops : “Any renewal in the Church must have the mission as goal, in order not to fall into the risk of a self-centred Church” (in Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, 2013). Pope Francis writes : “Let’s be realistic, but without losing joy, daring and hopeful devotion” (EG 109). What a challenge!

Fr. Robert Migliorini

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