Taking the path of Hope with Mary “The faith I love most,” says God, “is hope.” This quotation from Peguy well describes the journey of Mary who says “yes”, relying on Him for whom “nothing is impossible…”
The itinerary of Mary – one who is poor, contemplative, a woman for others – is first of all presented through her mystery of hope in the various stages of her journey: the Annunciation, Pentecost until her glorious Assumption when she is definitively configured to Christ. She becomes a “sign of hope and consolation for the pilgrim People of God” (LG 68). Hope is an active virtue. It does not cultivate illusions. Hope turns towards what is definitive, towards the new heaven and the new earth where justice reigns. At the same time, hope invites us to make a commitment here and now, in the construction of a more just world, a “civilization of love.” On this path of hope, Mary leads the way and teaches us to “fix our heart there where we will find true joy” ... Daily biblical meditations and a prayers in preparation for the feast of the Assumption offered by Sister Cristina Maria, R.A. These meditations are inspired by the writings of Eduardo Cardinal Peronio: A Path of Hope with Mary, published by Cerf/Bellarmin.
First Day - August 6, 2006 - FIDELITY Second Day - August 7, 2006 - POVERTY Third Day - August 8, 2006 - CONTEMPLATION Fourth Day - August 9, 2006 - SERVICE Fifth Day - August 10, 2006 - LISTENING TO THE WORD Sixth Day - August 11, 2006 - AN OFFERING Seventh Day - August 12, 2006 - COMMUNION Eight Day - August 13, 2006 - MISSION Ninth Day - August 14, 2006 - HOPE