:: Quote of the Day :: |
What is adoration? It is the recognition of the reign of God over all creatures, and over us. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
Word of the Postulator
To really come to know the person and the holiness of Fr. d’Alzon, one must know the place where he was born and lived, his family, his surroundings and the era in which he acted. One must also know the particular Church, that of Nîmes of yesterday and of today, where he took root and where he exercised his ministry from his priestly ordination until his death. A saint is not self-made. He becomes such within a specific people and a particular Church. He becomes a saint by sharing “the joys and hopes, the sadness and distress” of the people of his time. The reflection of Cardinal Amato, which we present in this circular, invites us to exercise a ministry alive, one which in turn transmits enthusiasm and participation, and which consists not only in making known the figure and holiness of Fr. d’Alzon, but also invites us to imitate his virtues and to make of him a saint for ourselves and for the people of our day. The place, the land, the Church where Fr. d’Alzon continues to live today is our Assumption Family. We are responsible for his heritage, that is, for his charism and his spirituality, which are gifts from God for the whole Church; it is up to us to share them with many others. May the Lord soon grant us the joy of being able to invoke him as saint.
Fr. Julio Navarro Román, A.A.
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