:: Quote of the Day :: |
What is adoration? It is the recognition of the reign of God over all creatures, and over us. - Emmanuel d'Alzon

Word of the Postulator
Devotion to Fr. Emmanuel d’Alzon, our Venerable Founder, is quite significant. The number of people who pray to him requesting that he intercede before the Lord to obtain graces and favors for them, healing from illness, help with financial problems, or simply his presence and comfort in tough times is impressive. As Fr. Marie Bernard Kientz wrote to Cardinal Angelo Amato, «Very often in letters from our benefactors, we become aware of the confidence they place in Fr. d’Alzon in their prayers of request and of thanksgiving». It would be impossible to print all of these testimonies of trust and gratitude here.
What is especially striking to us are phrases such as: «I pray to Fr. d’Alzon every night»; «We address our prayers to him every day asking for his protection»; «I have received many graces through his intercession»; «I talk to him every day…»; «We love our Fr. d’Alzon very much ».
Let us continue to ask the Lord that he soon grant to us, to the entire Assumption Family, the joy of seeing the Church’s official recognition of Fr. Emmanuel d’Alzon’s holiness.
Fr. Julio Navarro Román, A.A.
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Last Updated on Friday, 28 September 2012 17:09 |