Augustinians of the Assumption

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What is adoration? It is the recognition of the reign of God over all creatures, and over us.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home SUPPORT Partners for God's Kingdom How are you a Partner for God's Kingdom?

How are you a Partner for God's Kingdom? PDF Print E-mail

How are you a Partner for God's Kingdom?More than 150 years ago Father d'Alzon had a dream of engaging all people in Extending the Kingdom of God. Today, this dream is being realized in more than 30 countries by both religious and lay partners working together in education, formation, vocational ministry, media, and through an ongoing sharing of time, talent and treasure.

What does it mean for you to be a partner for God’s Kingdom?
Please share some thoughts and send us your feedback to

Read the responses below.

Sunday's eucharistic service and the breaking of the liturgy of the word, it's meaning and possible applications to my personal life are key every Sunday. I try to bring that to my personal interaction with all whom I will interact during the following week: that may entail listenting to customers with complaints, sharing humor with someone, lisenting empathetically to an indivedual who is going through a difficult time, trying to be more patient and less judgemental, trying to see Christ in others. It all begins and ends with the eucharist and the litury of the world. How does it affect my interaction with others during the week?

Joe Simoneau


I try to respond to the vocation God has given me to be an Assumptionist religious by being attentive to the way in which the Holy Spirit is prompting me, in these times, to manifest dimensions of the Assumptionist charism, according to the gifts of grace and nature bestowed upon me.  In particular, these would be my love for the teaching of the Catholic Church and the desire and ability to communicate that teaching, for the glory of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Bro. Paul Henry, A.A.


...In God’s Kingdom., … we work together by sharing our gifts  Sharing gifts make our journey shorter.  Your gifts are different from mine and when we place them together, the gifts are double.



I have been a partner for God’s Kingdom for many years, rooted in the Church and her traditions, in my relationships with students, colleagues, staff, families and friends at Assumption.

Marc LePain


To be a partner for God’s Kingdom …  is first of all to be in fraternal communion with my family, my Assumptionist brothers and sisters, lay and religious and with the local Christian community.  … For the coming of the Kingdom of God in me and around me, I must be close to Jesus Christ, listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to know God’s will and to welcome it.

Claude Lamontagne


I am a partner in God’s kingdom by seeking to utilize my gifts for the glory of God.  In doing so, I join with others who share this same mission.  I do so through my writing, teaching, and singing.

Pat Haggerty


I try in many different ways to stay close to God…In this hectic world we live in, it is not always easy, but working with the Assumptionists helps remind me of the importance of partnering for God’s Kingdom….

Patti May


Living and working with the Assumptionists gives me a great opportunity to be a Partner for God’s Kingdom.  … We share God’s love among us.  We do this by working together in the office, paying bills, taking care of immigration issues, fixing broken pipes, etc; as well as going deeper into our faith by:  praying, sharing our joys and sorrow, and giving simple witness to our love.  ,,,  This gives me a concrete opportunity to make a difference in the world and to invite others to live with the same joy.

Tomasz Jaster


I’m a partner by living in a community with other Assumptionists and trying to live and work with them in a way that will witness to the Kingdom and try to build it up in small ways.  I’m lucky to be working with many committed professional lay people at Assumption College … invited and challenged to define goals that are common to a very diverse group of people and to work each day at specific initiatives in view of achieving those goals.

Richard Lamoureux


I try to be a Partner for God’s Kingdom both at work and at play.   As a lawyer, I try to resolve disputes for people within a system designed to promote justice and fairness and sometimes take on pro bono cases for veterans and the poor.  I try to educate myself about the Church’s teachings and promote the Gospel through conversation.  Hopefully, this plants seeds for spiritual growth in the hearts and minds of people I meet.

Brian B


I partner for God’s kingdom through my experience of faith, family, friendship and fidelity to the gospel with the whole Assumption family.



I try to be a partner in God’s Kingdom through my work here at Assumption College.   Through teaching, preaching and in personal conversations with students …  I try to draw their attention to the living Word of God as in real fact the center of human history and the center of their own hearts and minds as well.  
Fr. Barry


How am I a partner for God’s Kingdom?  In a few different ways, I suppose.  Together with a number of dedicated lay colleagues, my principal responsibility here at Assumption College is to help invigorate our Catholic and Assumptionist educational mission.  With my Emmanuel House community and in the US delegation, I am a brother among brothers, trying my best to witness to the joy of the Gospel.  In my weekend parish ministry, I find myself appealing to the hope that is engendered by our living together in the Kingdom.



I’ve recently had the opportunity to work with the Assumptionists on the Virtual Library section of the Assumptionists’ website ( … making numerous written materials (everything from the spirituality of the congregation to individual exploits in places such as the Russian gulag) available for on-line reading, or for download onto e-reading devices.  In this way the story of the Assumptionists’ work for the cause of the Kingdom of God has an opportunity to reach a broader audience.

Ryan C.


As an Assumptionist religious, there are two areas of my life and ministry that I consider especially fertile for the Kingdom.  The first one is my ministry at the Assumtionist Center in Brighton where I help a group of lay men prepare to serve the Church.  The second is my connection with groups of Alcoholics Anonymous (the other AA) where I try to help them understand their baptismal call as a way of building the Kingdom “one day at a time”.

Claude G


As managing editor of Catholic Digest magazine [at Bayard Publications, sponsored by the Assumptionists], I feel humbled and honored to have the opportunity to welcome our family of readers to a community of fellow travelers with whom to share their journey of faith; exchange support and encouragement, advice and inspiration; and share both the joys and challenges of living the Gospel life and extending the Kingdom of God.



Over the last 30 years, I have been fortunate to be a member of a parish staffed by the Assumptionists.  …  Today, my experience as coordinator of the parish religious education program for children gives me the opportunity to share in the Assumptionist spirituality and help promote God’s Kingdom among the catechists and youngest members of our parish.

Terry J.


As a Partner, I try to help support the Assumptionists financially as much as I can … and I try to be present to the Kingdom in all my life – to “slow down” and be open to and aware of the Kingdom of God  now, inside of me,  welcoming it  and so being better able to manifest it around me.

Marc Beaudoin


I believe that I am a partner in building the Kingdom of God by using those gifts and talents that I have been given in everything that I do in St Anne & St Patrick parish, whether it be at my desk in the Religious Education office, working on brochures and posters four our Annual Novena, proclaiming the Word of God as a Minister of the Word, being a Eucharistic Minister – and outside the office, as a mother, grandmother and friend, but mostly by living my life in such a way that everyone I meet may see Him in me and come to  know and love Him in a very deep and personal way.  This I pray for each day.



Everywhere we see that human nature is corrupt and weak and in need of a Savior.  But humbly seeking God’s will …  and exercising our freedom … and seeking and conforming to the truth …  require a painful daily conversion and personal effort and prayer, as well as community support.  
Herein lies the mission of the Assumption family.  In everything we do we strive daily to do the right thing, to do what is just, and to teach in charity, and lead and manage as best we can.

Donald D’Amour


To be a partner for the Kingdom for me means witnessing to faith in Jesus Christ, in my immediate living environment day by day and in communion with all the Assumptionists around the world.



Grateful to  the Lord and His Blessed Mother for all of the graces and  blessings and miracles … throughout my life – and grateful to the Assumptionists for instructing me and for their support during the years of my mother’s illness, I choose to partner with the Assumptionists to carry out their mission throughout our world.  I support them by contributing financially and through my prayers.  They have been remembered in my last will and testament for years and continue to be.  I  believe that my financial contributions will be better served in bringing God’s Kingdom to our world by way of the Assumptionists.

Tony Rossi


I believe that my active participation in loving, helping, and caring for the poor and needy through my ministry in St. Vincent de Paul Society is advancing God's kingdom. Wanting to do more, I have extended my outreach to include working to feed the poor at the Southbridge Food Share. Through this, I have developed an affinity for the elderly.

Ruth Hamilton


At Assumption College, we work to prepare future leaders who will live out their personal and professional lives for the betterment of society and the coming of the Kingdom of God which can only happen when Christ takes root in our hearts.  Helping students come to an appreciation of this is my way of partnering for God’s Kingdom.

Francesco C.


How are you a Partner for God's Kingdom?
Please share some thoughts and send us your feedback to

Last Updated on Thursday, 28 February 2013 10:52
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