Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Interview with a New Assistant General of the Assumptionists, Fr. John Franck, A.A. PDF Print E-mail

New Assistant General of the Assumptionists, Fr. John Franck, A.A.Webmaster (WM): Fr. John, you just returned from the General Chapter in Rome, having been elected assistant general. Congratulations!

Fr. John (FJ): Thank you. I look forward to my new responsibilities and the opportunity to serve my brothers in this capacity, on a world-wide scale now.

WM: Fr. John, could you tell us what a general chapter is?

FJ: The word “chapter” is somewhat unusual in this context. It signifies a meeting and specifically a meeting of the members of a religious community.  Its origins can be found in monastic life. Monks would come together to read a chapter of the rule that governed their life. Eventually, the room where this took place became known as the “Chapter Room.” It was in this room that important discussions would occur. Eventually, these meetings themselves were simply called chapters. In religious communities today such meetings, or chapters, take place at the level of each community once a year (local chapter), at the level of the province every three years (provincial chapter), and at the level of the entire congregation once every six years and are therefore known as ‘general’ chapters.

Last Updated on Monday, 04 July 2011 20:07
News from Quebec PDF Print E-mail

Center for Faith and Culture, Quebec CityBy the lay Assumptionists of Quebec

In Québec, the Assumptionists and their lay friends work at the Montmartre, a center for faith and culture. They have taken as their mission reaching out in a special way to those want to deepen their faith or those returning to the Catholic faith, by constituting a Christian community where one can experience celebration, fellowship, adult education and the exchange of ideas.

Last Updated on Friday, 24 June 2011 09:43
The Piat Immersion PDF Print E-mail

The Immersionist, Jomar, Ricky, Sagar and IBy Post. Floro T. del Pilar III, Filipino postulant

Allowing the sun to warm my body in the morning has always been the best way to start my day. But that was not the situation when I joined the group for immersion in Piat, Cagayan. Sagar, Ricky, Jomar and I arrived in Piat at about seven in the morning and we dropped by Our Lady of Piat High School (OLOPHS) to meet Sr. Ellen, our contact for the immersion. We walked to the house of Nay Lumen, the school principal, and as early as that the sun was already scorching. I wanted to get a tricycle but Ricky was in the mood to walk. I didn’t know that in the span of my stay there, I was to walk under the scorching sun. The place is faithful to what it is known for- the hottest region of the country.

Last Updated on Thursday, 23 June 2011 12:19
My First Two Weeks in Mexico! PDF Print E-mail

By Matthew Chua*

I arrived in Mexico City two weeks ago not knowing what to expect, and two weeks later, each day is still overflowing with surprises.  My first few days in Casa Manuel were an interesting mix of handling the language barrier, receiving welcoming gestures yet with the still unfamiliar awkwardness, and with not knowing what will happen next for each part of the day up to dinner time each day.


Last Updated on Thursday, 23 June 2011 09:34
An Assumptionist Peacemaker in the Making at Boston University PDF Print E-mail

Class 2011Fr. Vincent Machozi, A.A. is an Assumptionist from the D.R.Congo (Central Africa) who is studying at Boston University's School of Theology since September 2006. In May 2011, he received a  Certificate in Religion and Conflict Transformation from the Boston Theological Institute (BTI) after fulfilling the academic requirements of the Religion and Conflict Transformation Program. Students from all over the world preparing to become peacemakers in their respective countries, churches, congregations, NGO’s, register every year in this program. Fr Vincent, who intends to be an educator and a peacemaker upon his return in the D.R.Congo, registered in this program during 2010-2011 with other students from the following countries: USA (8), Jamaica (1), Tanzania (1), Ivory Coast(1), Ghana(1), Belgium (1), South-Korea(2), Serbia (1), Zimbabwe (1), and Puerto Rico (1).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 June 2011 07:39
The Example of the AMA’s PDF Print E-mail

There is more happiness in giving than in receiving. (Acts, 20:35)In the words of Saint Marie Eugenie of Jesus, Foundress of the Religious of the Assumption and patron saint of AMA, “God has fashioned us in a unique way… He wants us to take a certain place in his plan.”  Last August, a group of 11 young AMA’s  were sent out from Assumption College to better understand their certain place.  As the end of the volunteer service year approaches, I reflect on the lessons that this year’s AMA’s have learned and what they can teach us by their very being.

Enthusiasm is at the top of the list of characteristics that I have seen shine through in this group. Their zeal for embracing Jesus in the form of those that they serve is no less than inspiring.  Their enthusiasm allows them to be disappointed, homesick, confused by culture and language, and unsure about their impact on communities which have become home, and bounce back, ready to continue on.  I strive for this type of attitude in my own life and thank them for passing on the example to me and all those touched by their service.

Fr. Miguel DIAZ AYLLON, Provincial of North America PDF Print E-mail

FR. JOSE MIGUEL DIAZ AYLLON, A.AThis past Thursday, June 16, 2011, Fr. Benoît Grière, Superior General of the Augustinians of the Assumption, appointed Fr. José Miguel Diaz Ayllón  Provincial of North America.

Fr. Miguel Diaz accepted the mission entrusted to him and will take office on July 1, 2011.

Last Updated on Friday, 17 June 2011 07:53
An Ecumenical Center in Bucharest, Romania PDF Print E-mail

Assumptionist Community - Bucharest, Romania NEW BEGINNINGS

The St. Peter and St. Andrew Center opened officially on January 17, 2011 in Bucharest.  The building, confiscated  63 years ago, was returned to the Assumptionists after the fall of the Communist regime.

The Center is first of all a place for ecumenical dialogue and research especially with the Orthodox Church.  It is also a residence with a dozen rooms available to university students.  The Center  houses an important theological library of some 15,000 volumes mostly in the area of ecumenical studies and research.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 June 2011 07:21



Dear friends, brothers and sisters,
The 32nd General Chapter of the Assumption began on May 3, 2011, in Rome, in the immense house of the Brothers of Christian Schools the day after the beatification of Pope John Paul II.

Last Updated on Friday, 10 June 2011 10:12
A Vocation Ripened in the Amazonian Forest PDF Print E-mail

Sr. Marisa, Oblate of the AssumptionI come from Passos, a city located in the southern part of Brazil. Born in 1982, into a Christian family, I am the second of three girls. My parents, simple people, attached to tradition, but not regular Church-goers, always insisted that we have a Catholic education. From my first year of catechism classes, I felt drawn to the Church, experiencing a great happiness in being able to pray, to sing, and to go to recite the rosary in different homes. I was fortunate enough to belong to a lively parish and so it was quite natural that, around 12 years old, I became the coordinator of our neighborhood, inviting residents to prayer meetings. At 14, I joined a very active youth group in the parish, where I seemed to find a second home.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 June 2011 09:13
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