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The Assumptionists Settle into West Africa PDF Print E-mail

A picture with Archbishop of OuagadougouFr. General just completed his canonical visit of West Africa where our brothers are present in Togo and Burkina-Faso. From May 18 to May 30, 2012, almost two weeks, he was able to meet and talk to all the brothers in order to encourage them and accompany them in their religious and apostolic common life. What were the highlights of this visit?

Last Updated on Friday, 05 October 2012 11:58
Seven New Postulants Welcomed in Togo PDF Print E-mail

Seven New Postulants Welcomed in TogoOn February 10, 2012 the two Assumptionist communities of Sokodé, Togo gathered in the new chapel of the novitiate to give thanks to God for the official entry of seven postulants.

During Vespers, Fr. Rene, their director, solemnly welcomed them and encouraged them to put into practice the advice they had received from the provincial, Fr. Benoît Gschwind. Each postulant in turn had an opportunity to express his joy. Here are a few extracts:

Last Updated on Friday, 05 October 2012 11:32

FR. DONAT LAMOTHE A.A.At the recent Opening Convocation for the 2012-2013 Academic Year at Assumption College, Fr. Donat Lamothe, A.A. received a Presidential Award for Excellence in Service and Contribution to the Mission. In addition, this ceremony also recognized the achievements of Professor Joseph Foley and  welcomed new members to the Assumption College community.

Congratulations from all in the Assumption Family!

A reception followed in Hagan Hall.

Last Updated on Monday, 01 October 2012 14:07
Celebration of the first vows of 3 Assumptionists at Ba Ria (Vietnam) PDF Print E-mail

Celebration of the first vows of 3 Assumptionists at Ba Ria (Vietnam) On Sunday, August 25, the university students living in our residence in Saigon hardly had time to sleep as they usually do on Sundays. Instead, they had to get up early in order to accompany their chaplain, Fr. Pierre-Jean Le Viet Thang, by minibus to the novitiate in Ba Ria.

In another section of Saigon, a large bus with 45 seats was waiting for candidates and postulants of the Assumptionists, the Little Sisters of the Assumption, and the Oblates of the Assumption. They were accompanied by the provincial's delegate in Vietnam, Fr. François Xavier Nguyen Tien Dung, Sr. Marie-Paulette Thanh Khanh, OA, and Sr. Diep, LSA. Fr. Provincial, after the long trip to Vietnam from France, was already resting in Ba Ria, spending a little time with the three novices who were about to make their first vows, and taking the opportunity to meet the local bishop.

Last Updated on Friday, 28 September 2012 08:43
Fr. Joseph Delvordre, A.A. An old missionary, young at heart. PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Joseph Delvordre, A.A.Having arrived in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in December 1968, Fr. Joseph, an Assumptionist missionary, loves the media and keeping up with the latest technology. In spite of his advanced age, he's always getting involved in new projects.

Born in France in 1931, Fr. Joseph has lived the last 44 years in the Congo. Son of a blacksmith, he learned how to work hard and without complaint in order to earn a decent life. Already as a child, he showed an interest in religious life. “Next to our house there was a school run by the Sacred Heart brothers. They were filled with joy and worked as a team. I think my vocation took root in the admiration I had for them”, he said. He took his first steps with the Assumptionists in an isolated château near Montreuil by the sea. At the time life was not easy. He slowly became haunted by the idea of working in Africa.


the Second Vatican CouncilThe following article by Fr. Marcel Neusch, a French Assumptionist theologian and well-published author, was taken from the most recent issue, #47, of Itinéraires Augustiniens/Augustinian Journeys)

Augustine Today
Religious Freedom at Vatican II

With the publication of Dignitatis humanae, the declaration on religious freedom, the Second Vatican Council took a decisive step for the Church, and one can hope that it is definitive and irreversible. It took place on December 7, 1965. Up till that time, the Church had at its disposal only two expressions: freedom, which it demanded for itself, and tolerance, which it granted to other religions. To say the least this position was paradoxical: how could the Church refuse to others a freedom that it never ceased claiming as a right for itself? One can understand why a declaration on religious freedom that would go counter to this classical position would have met with resistance among some of the Council Fathers, the most intransigent of whom was Bishop  Lefebvre. To grasp the scope of this text, it would be necessary to retrace its history before pointing out its most hard-hitting affirmations and underlining its limits.

Last Updated on Friday, 21 September 2012 11:28

Ed KendrickFormer resident, Ed Kendrick, came ‘home’ to the Assumptionist Center in Brighton this past summer while visiting friends in the Boston area. Originally from Utah, where he grew up, Ed calls Washington State his home.

Sharing his background in a recent conversation, he recalled his undergraduate degree experience at the University of Portland in Oregon where he met the Holy Cross Fathers and majored in theology with minors in history, math and English literature. As a convert from Mormonism, Ed wanted to do graduate work in theology and literature. It was a professor and friend at the University of Oregon who recommended Boston College as a possible site for further studies.


ASSUMPTIONISTS CELEBRATE WITH JOYThe Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Assumption College in Worcester was the scene of great joy and celebration on August 28th, the Feast of St. Augustine. For it was during the late afternoon celebration of Mass that Bro. Ronald Sibugan, A.A. renewed his vows, witnessed by Rev. Jose Miguel Diaz Ayllon, A.A., Provincial of North America and the Philippines, on behalf of the congregation and the Church.

Following the liturgy and during Evening Prayer, the Rite of Admission of the Novices took place during which time they received their habits and the Rule of Life. A reception followed in the new Tinsley Campus Ministry Center. May God's choicest blessings be upon the young men as they strive to follow God's call!

Last Updated on Monday, 03 September 2012 10:51

Ellis Gil Garcia Luciano, AA (right) at the Bayard office in New London, ConnecticutLast April 15, I went here in the United States for my training in Bayard, specifically with the American Team of "Living with Christ," in preparation for my ministry as the Editorial Director of the Philippine Edition of our monthly missal.

The opportunity to work with our Bayard colleagues in New London, Connecticut allowed me to widen my knowledge on the world of publications. I have been given the chance to see how each department in a publication office works - from the editorial and production teams, to the marketing and circulation departments, and even with customer service. I hope that what I have learned in my training will help us to promote our ministry in our own context and situation in the Philippines, especially as we try to empower ourselves to be more professional in approach in this endeavor and to be more effective communicators of the Word.

Last Updated on Thursday, 30 August 2012 14:11
125th Anniversary of St. Anne and St. Patrick Parish PDF Print E-mail

125th Anniversary of St. Anne and St. Patrick ParishWe hope you can join us as we welcome former pastor, Fr. Norman Meiklejohn, A.A., for the first event in our Year of Celebration and Thanksgiving for our 125th Anniversary of St. Anne and St. Patrick Parish. Fr. Norman will be speaking to us about the Augustinians of the Assumption - their history, their charism, and their service here at the Parish and Shrine.

Refreshments will be available following his presentation. Please plan to join us as we learn more about the community that has blessed us for more than 50 years and that helps make our Parish and Shrine the wonderful place that it is!

Read more » PDF invitation

Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 August 2012 13:51
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