Augustinians of the Assumption

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God takes much better care of our interests when we pay attention rather to His.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Ellis Gil Garcia Luciano, AA (right) at the Bayard office in New London, ConnecticutLast April 15, I went here in the United States for my training in Bayard, specifically with the American Team of "Living with Christ," in preparation for my ministry as the Editorial Director of the Philippine Edition of our monthly missal.

The opportunity to work with our Bayard colleagues in New London, Connecticut allowed me to widen my knowledge on the world of publications. I have been given the chance to see how each department in a publication office works - from the editorial and production teams, to the marketing and circulation departments, and even with customer service. I hope that what I have learned in my training will help us to promote our ministry in our own context and situation in the Philippines, especially as we try to empower ourselves to be more professional in approach in this endeavor and to be more effective communicators of the Word.

My Bayard training here in the United States enriched not only my way of doing this apostolate but my being a religious as well. It made me feel honored to realize that by sharing with the work of Bayard, I share also in the tradition of "Bon Presse" which was started by some of the first Assumptionist fathers early in our history. My brief stay in this country gave me a chance to meet our American brothers, thus, making me appreciate more our community's internationality; we may be at times quite different from each other but the charism we share together is stronger than what differentiates us from one another.

Lastly, my Bayard experience made me recognize all the more, the importance of the role of lay people in our congregation; the various works they do made me see clearly the inclusivity of our work for the Kingdom and I was also inspired when I learned that they are praying for the Assumptionists everyday.

I will go back to our country this 28th of May with a heart full of gratitude to God for making all these things possible. In a very special way, I would like to thank my Bayard colleagues for their guidance and friendship, St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish and the Pastor for welcoming me to their community, and my Assumptionist Brothers both here in the US and in the Philippines for their fraternal love and support.

Ellis Gil Garcia Luciano, AA

Last Updated on Thursday, 30 August 2012 14:11
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