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Home WHAT’S NEW International stories Chronicles of a Foundation No. 21

Chronicles of a Foundation No. 21 PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Bernard Holzer was elected President of the Asia Pacific Augustinian Conference (APAC)Dear Friends,

First of all, three events of note:  the upcoming diaconal ordination of Brother Ed Molina, the launching of the Filipino version of “Living with Christ” (the  English Missalette of Bayard ) and the election of Fr. Bernard Holzer as the new President of   The Asia Pacific Augustinian Conference (APAC).

The rest of the Chronicles are essentially about the daily life of the three communities of the Delegation. There is the traditional Press Review and an interview with the new Archbishop of Manila and the challenges facing the Church of the Philippines.

Good reading to you all and thank you for your friendship and your support.

The redaction team: Bernard Holzer, Jay Lituañas, Cris Quiñal, Rex Navarro and Renju Paul

No 21, February 2012

Please click HERE for the latest issue of the Chronicles in PDF format.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 March 2012 10:40
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