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Home WHAT’S NEW International stories Chronicles of a Foundation No. 20

Chronicles of a Foundation No. 20 PDF Print E-mail

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!The Philippines – it is well known – is a country of festivities. The celebration of Christmas begins in September. That is why these Chronicles would like to share with you our ways of celebrating Jesus’ birth. It is a way to be in communion with you these days of festivities and of joy.
Very cordially yours,
Bernard Holzer, A.A.

Dear Baby Jesus;
I thank you so much for coming into my life. I am thankful that I will be full of joy, because of your birth. I have prepared a warm manger for you in the depths of my heart. You are my whole life. Please continue to be with me, throughout the rest of my journey.
Baby Jesus, I love you!
(A prayer from Chinese Seminarian Joseph – Martin Yen)

No 20, December 2011

Please click HERE for the latest issue of the Chronicles in PDF format.

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