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Home WHAT’S NEW International stories Chronicles of a Foundation No. 24

Chronicles of a Foundation No. 24 PDF Print E-mail

CHRONICLES FROM MANILA-06-24-2014-No 24Dear brothers, sisters and friends,

We are still under shock and have difficulty to realize that we will not see the wide smile and hear the loud laughter of Jean-Marie Chuvi... The Lord has called him home so abruptly as he was returning from a two month trip to his native Africa.

We have accompanied him and buried in Manila on the hottest day of the year. He is not resting in the land of the Philippines like a first seed…

This special issue of the Chronicles is written so that his memory will be kept alive for all of us.

Thank you for your solidarity, your friendship, your prayers.

Fr. Bernard Holzer, A.A.
Provincial’s delegate for the Philippines and the Superior General’s delegate for Asia

No 24, June 2014

Please click HERE for the latest issue of the Chronicles in PDF format.

Last Updated on Monday, 30 June 2014 10:47
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