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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters Provincial Chapter 2010-2012

Provincial Chapter 2010-2012

Provincial Chapter - The Laity Speaks PDF Print E-mail

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The reflections and challenges today came from the laity.

The morning was given over to presentations by Suzanne Spino (President, Bayard Canada), Bret Thomas (President, Bayard USA) and Francesco Cesareo (President, Assumption College).  They all had the same goal:  to explain the relevance of their work for society and the Church and to make proposals to the Assumptionists in view of collaborating even more.  What struck the Chapter members, in addition to the extraordinary competence of all three, was the considerable knowledge each one had of the Assumption, its history and its charism, and their personal commitment to the mission.  Lively discussions followed each presentation.

Last Updated on Thursday, 30 December 2010 00:51
Provincial Chapter - Second Day - December 29, 2010 PDF Print E-mail

Mass on the second dayToday, Wednesday, after Mass and Morning Prayer organized by the Filipino delegation, the entire day was dedicated to lay collaboration.

In the morning, after the final delegate arrived (Fr. Oswaldo from Mexico had been inadvertently stranded in Worcester for the night — another story in itself), we listened to presentations from major organizations sponsored by the Assumptionists in North America, Suzanne Spino, president of Bayard Canada, Bret Thomas, president of Bayard, Inc, USA, and Dr. Francesco Cesareo, president of Assumption College.

Last Updated on Friday, 31 December 2010 21:17
Despite the snow... PDF Print E-mail

The worst snow storm of the seasonThe worst snow storm of the season, which left up to 50 centimeters of snow in parts of the area around Boston, delayed by one day the gathering of sixteen delegates and six lay associates for the Chapter of the Province of North America.

But despite the snow, the participants at the Chapter were happy to see once again so many brothers and friends who had come together from every part of the Province: Mexico, Quebec, the Philippines, the United States. Fr. Richard will be representing the General Council during the Chapter.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 21:12
Season's First Snowstorm Forces Delay of Provincial Chapter PDF Print E-mail

First Snowstorm An early winter blizzard raging along the east coast of the United States has caused a delay of the opening of the Provincial Chapter of the North American Province which was scheduled to begin Monday evening, December 27, at the Immaculate Conception Retreat House in Putnam, Connecticut (USA).

Last Updated on Monday, 27 December 2010 15:18
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