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What is adoration? It is the recognition of the reign of God over all creatures, and over us.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters Provincial Chapter 2010-2012 Season's First Snowstorm Forces Delay of Provincial Chapter

Season's First Snowstorm Forces Delay of Provincial Chapter PDF Print E-mail

First Snowstorm An early winter blizzard raging along the east coast of the United States has caused a delay of the opening of the Provincial Chapter of the North American Province which was scheduled to begin Monday evening, December 27, at the Immaculate Conception Retreat House in Putnam, Connecticut (USA).

Because of the storm, some delegates are stranded; others have simply postponed their arrival because of road conditions. Sixteen delegates from Canada, the United States, Mexico, and the Philippines as well as support staff will gather to prepare the general chapter to be held in Rome in May 2011.

Immaculate Conception Spiritual Renewal CenterFirst Snowstorm First Snowstorm

During a provincial chapter, delegates review the life of the province during the past three years and plan ahead for the future. Because this provincial chapter coincides with the general chapter (held every 6 years), delegates will also be asked to study a number of questions dealing with the life of the entire congregation, especially the question of re-examining the existing structures to reflect significant changes in the demographic reality of the congregation (rapid growth in Africa and Asia and decline in Europe and North America). The question is: how can we maintain the apostolic vitality of our communities as well as a solid fraternal life? The delegates of the general chapter will also elect a new superior general since the current superior general, Fr. Richard Lamoureux, will be completing his second six-year term.

Please consult this website for regular updates on the proceedings of the Provincial Chapter, beginning this Wednesday.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 December 2010 15:18
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