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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Honoring Labor PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

It used to be that Labor Day marked a transition for most of us.  It was the beginning of the school year and the official end of summer.  These days, schools start at various times during the end of August and the beginning of September.  Labor Day is still a guidepost for the end of summer activities and the projection of cooler days in the fall.  Most families have their end of summer cook-outs on Labor Day and their final summer festivities on that day.  My Labor Day consisted of a visit to a local Country Fair and a family cook-out on the lake.  It was both fun and bittersweet knowing that leisure times were over and schedules and routines would take their place.

Labor Day became a federal holiday over 120 years ago.  It was introduced as a day of celebration for laborers and was initiated by the labor unions of that time.  It has been celebrated in various manners since then.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 September 2014 09:44
Mary PDF Print E-mail

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary by TitianBy Pat Haggerty

What is your devotion to Mary like?  Do you have one?   Do you turn to Mary as an intercessor to the Lord for you?

As we celebrate the glorious feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I have asked myself the above questions---and more.  Do I pray the rosary enough?  Do I turn to Mary, as our Mother, for help and consolation?  Do I pray the “Magnificat” as my own prayer of resignation to our God?

Devotion to Mary can take many forms.  My own mother prays the rosary with Mother Angelica every night as she watches the broadcast on EWTN.  My aunt used to say this prayer in her time of desperation:  “Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”  Only she said it in French, which to her had much more impact. (O, Marie, conçus sans pêchés, priez pour nous qui avons recours à vous.)  My own devotion to Mary was reinforced during elementary school.  We learned the beauty of the rosary and we celebrated that beauty with a May procession every year.

Music: A Reflection of our Cheerfulness PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

When I am driving I listen to Sirius Radio---usually the Catholic Channel or On Broadway.  Recently, Julie James of On Broadway referred to music as “magical.”  I think it is not only magical, but it is also mesmerizing and can be meditative.  Music has always played an integral part of my life since I was very young.  I am not a clever instrumentalist but I do think of myself as a singer.

I brought myself down a sort of “musical memory lane” and thought of all the people who have inspired me to do music in the church.  First, there was Sister Theophane who directed our children’s choir at St. Antoine.  I can still see her huge posters with the words of the hymns written so clearly and carefully on them.  She used little accent lines to indicate how many notes were in each syllable.  That was her way of giving us some visual cues.  Then, there was Diane Weed, who taught us so much about liturgical singing.  I was only in eighth grade then, but Diane was a fantastic mentor.  She got me to sing at my first wedding when I was only 13.

Last Updated on Sunday, 03 August 2014 23:59
Reflecting Anywhere PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

For the past few weeks I have been vacationing at the New Hampshire shore.  It has been wonderful, and we have been truly blessed with fantastic weather!  Perhaps one of the best things about being at the ocean is that it is so easy to reflect.  There is nothing to compare to a long walk on the beach with the warm breezes blowing, the sun shining and the cold water on your feet.

It is easy for me to reflect on God’s goodness and marvel at His creations.  The power of the ocean waves reminds me of God’s strength.  The cycle of the tides is synonymous with the constancy of God.  The blueness of the water is a symbol of the generosity God, which He pours out to us daily.

Rocks PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

I was sitting on the beach with my youngest grandson, Mac.  He was sitting amid a pile of rocks and throwing rock after rock as far as he could.  It wasn’t very far---because an almost two-year old doesn’t have such a strong arm.  He was happy as could be, though.  What more could a little one ask for?  The beach.  The rocks.  Throwing things.  That’s bliss!

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