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Home WHAT’S NEW Reflections Reflections over Morning Coffee Open your Eyes to the Light

Open your Eyes to the Light PDF Print E-mail

Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

Chances are, you are reading this blog on some electronic device and are reading it from either  the Assumption web site or the Word Press web site.  So, you already grasp the value of the internet and social media.  You have, hopefully, found the balance between too much technology and “just enough.”

I have heard numerous homilies on the dangers of excessive technology use.  How often has our homilist cautioned, “go without the computer for a day,” or “turn off the Smart phones, which aren’t making you smart”?

I agree with these admonitions, in part.  However, I want to present the other side---the good side of technology. Due to a recent injury, I have been side-lined from my usual busy lifestyle.· I have been housebound for longer than I had hoped!· Aside from the frustration this has incurred, there has been a silver lining (albeit ·a very thin one, I have to admit).· I have been able to reflect and pray more this Lent.· I have found my own desert spaces in the quiet of my home office.· I have been able to read more, and I have been able to search the web for spiritual nourishment.· I have to say, I have found it!

I want to encourage you to use the internet to bring about light, to find nourishment on your Lenten journey, and to open your eyes to God’s Word.  The readings for the fourth Sunday in Lent are all about “seeing.”  In the first reading from the Book of Samuel we hear, “Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into your heart.”(1Samuel 16:7)  In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he advises us, “Awake, oh sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” (Ephesians 5:14) Finally, the gospel for the day is the story of Jesus curing the blind man but doing so on the Sabbath.  Jesus tells the blind man:  “I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see might see, and those who do see might become blind.” (John 9:39)

Reading God’s Word or getting inspiration on the internet can be a positive thing.  The internet, used with discretion, can enable us to see more clearly.  Let me share some sites that I have found helpful.  First and foremost is the Assumption site, The newsletter can be a great source for reflection.  Bayard Press also publishes the Catholic Digest Quiet Moment at  This offers a daily quote for consideration.  If you are a Face book user, become a friend of Saint Anne’s Shrine to read some reflections provided by the Shrine Director.  If you just want to follow the readings for the day, go to, which is the site for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. There are also numerous resources from the Jesuits at  I particularly like the 3-minute Retreat and Moved Toward Greater Love, a daily Lenten devotion.

Whatever source you use for reflection, I encourage you to “open your eyes to the light.”  Happy searching!

Last Updated on Saturday, 29 March 2014 21:20
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