Augustinians of the Assumption

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Here is the secret of holiness: be men of prayer.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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 Fr. Dan Horan, OFM“The Basics of Franciscan Spirituality: Prayer As Relationship”

The topic of our second ‘Conversations…’ Sunday in Brighton for this year, the basics of Franciscan spirituality with a focus on prayer as relationship, was addressed by Fr. Dan Horan, OFM, a resident at the Assumptionist Center and student in the PhD program in systematic theology at BC.

Beginning with the life and writings of St. Francis of Assisi, the tradition of spirituality in the Franciscan family has grown and expanded over 800 years. Fr. Dan immediately focused on the core of this relationship, that is, God’s revelation to us in the person of Jesus, the Incarnate Word of God. It was through the grace of this profound revelation that Francis’ conversion took place, transforming him from an ordinary fun-loving young adult to a charismatic evangelizer of the Great king, who attracted thousands of men and women in his lifetime. He believed his call from God was to renounce his privileged life through abject poverty, witness the gospel in the marketplace and slowly rebuild the Church he loved, first brick by brick and then soul by soul, by allowing God to transform him into His own image, through his life of contemplative prayer. Since his life was  prayer, constantly in intimate communion with God and grounded in humility, Francis encountered all people and creation as vestiges of God.

CONVERSATIONS AT THE CENTEROf great significance in understanding the charism of Francis and his followers, two rich resources are Thomas of Celano, his first biographer and St. Bonaventure.

While volumes have been written on him and the growth of his family over the centuries, Francis remains one of the most popular of saints who continues to inspire millions of Christians and non-Christians alike.

After a lively discussion, everyone enjoyed the usual delicious brunch and continued the conversation, which along with prayer are significant components of the Franciscan tradition!

For further information on the publications of Fr. Dan, contact him at:

Last Updated on Saturday, 24 November 2012 14:27
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