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If you count simply on your own strength, you will certainly fall.
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Home WHAT’S NEW Seven New Postulants Welcomed in Togo

Seven New Postulants Welcomed in Togo PDF Print E-mail

Seven New Postulants Welcomed in TogoOn February 10, 2012 the two Assumptionist communities of Sokodé, Togo gathered in the new chapel of the novitiate to give thanks to God for the official entry of seven postulants.

During Vespers, Fr. Rene, their director, solemnly welcomed them and encouraged them to put into practice the advice they had received from the provincial, Fr. Benoît Gschwind. Each postulant in turn had an opportunity to express his joy. Here are a few extracts:

I am filled with a feeling of joy and gratitude. I feel as if I am on the threshold of a period of profound self-questioning spiritually: who am I, what is the purpose of my life in this world, what do I want to do, to what is today's society calling me, what are the challenges I am to face? It is my hope that, during postulancy, I can continue to deepen these questions so that I might be more firmly rooted in the values of the faith I wish to convey later on and so that I might be able to fight for ethical principles in the spirit of the Congregation. Paul 

_I don't have the right words to express what I am feeling. But I give thanks to God for everlasting is his love. Thanks to my formators who are giving an opportunity to take another step in my discernment. I ask for your prayers as I continue on my way. Valéry 

For this stage of postulancy, I hope, by the grace of God, "to gather up all things in him, the head, Christ" (Eph 1:10), in a spirit of love, transparency, and simplicity. Voilà des vertus que j’aimerai vivre et surtout apprendre aussi des autres, car, jusqu’à présent, chaque visage que j’ai eu la grâce de rencontrer à l’Assomption a apporté quelque chose de nouveau dans ma vie. D’ailleurs Saint Augustin dit qu’ « il est bien difficile de trouver quelqu’un qui n’ait rien à donner aux autres » Rémy Clovis

_I want to express my deepest desire to be able to become an apostle at the Assumption for the coming of the Kingdom of God. I entrust myself to you, my brothers, and to your prayers, during this new stage of my life which you have allowed me to take with the help of the Holy Spirit. Virgin Mary, I want you to be there, right at my side so that I can become a true Christian. Pierre-Paul de la Grâce.

After a period of time during which I have been able to discover the human and evangelical values of Assumptionist religious life, today I begin a second stage of deepening my life of faith as an Assumptionist: postulancy. I bless the Lord for his love and support during the time that has passed. To my formators, I express my sincerest thanks. May the Lord, the master of the harvest, help me to be attentive and to allow me to be guided in an immeasurable confidence so that I might deepen my life of faith and discover the spiritual riches that Fr. d'Alzon left to the world in a life of perfect availability. Yves

_I would like to thank all the Assumptionists for the experience that I have had up to this point and for this welcome to postulancy today. When I look back over my extraordinary vocational journey, I see a life of faith at its heart that I would like to deepen during this next stage which is postulancy. May God help us to move forward toward that which is holy, to walk continually in the presence of God, as Fr. d'Alzon writes. Thomas

"The Lord has done great things for me. Holy is his name." With these words I give thanks to the Lord who has invited me to encounter him in order that I might discover him all the more in Assumptionist life. Thanks to the entire Congregation that welcomes me. May the Holy Spirit lead us to the "one thing necessary." Nestor

Bernard BAMOGO, novice

Last Updated on Friday, 05 October 2012 11:32
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