Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Conversations at the Center - March, 2012As we continued our fourth year of “Conversations…” at the Assumptionist Center in Brighton, MA, the community, residents and guests were asked to reflect on “The Gospel in Your Life” ahead of time. Using a different format by not inviting a guest presenter who would address a particular theme or topic, participants came prepared to share their thoughts and reflections on the fundamental question: “What gospel message inspires me in my life choices?”

A few folks shared the many challenges Catholics experience by way of societal pressures, especially with regard to lifelong commitments. We live in a ’feel good’ world that wants to escape or run from difficult or painful situations. It is tough to be faithful to our promises and commitments even when we are grounded in Christ and the teachings of his Church. This concept is truly counter cultural.

Others cited specific gospel passages such as the woman caught in adultery and the penitent woman washing Jesus’ feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. Such citations are powerful examples of Jesus’ mercy, compassion and love which can touch our very lives each day if we are open to him in prayer and in turn inspire us to reach out to our brothers and sisters in need.  For it is through Baptism and the power of the Holy Spirit, that we are called to live the gospel, imitate Christ and love one another, whether convenient or inconvenient.

Another cited St. Paul and the struggle we too experience in wanting to do good but often fall short of our intentions. It is only through God’s grace, God’s very life within us, that we can do good.

Someone else suggested that reflection on the questions of Jesus in the scriptures can inspire us as we grow in the spiritual life, for example: “Who do you say that I am?” (Matt.18-1), “Why are you afraid?”(Mk. 4-40), “What do you want me to do for you?” (Matt. 20-32), “Who is of greatest importance in the Kingdom of God?” (Matt. 18-1)

After the discussion, everyone moved into the dining room to share a meal and further the conversation.

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