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Home WHAT’S NEW Assumption Young People at WYD in Madrid 2011

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Assumption Young People at WYD in Madrid 2011WYD took place in Madrid this year. It was an opportunity for young people associated with the Assumption Family to gather around the Pope with other young people from around the entire world. All branches of the family were represented. We’ve contacted some of them to give us their impressions by way of a personal testimony.

1. Reflection by Serge Patrick Simo, A.A.

Men of breadth, men of their time, men of communion, on fire with and for God, on a mission, selfless….here are some of the qualities which characterize an Assumptionist in a society where Christian identity is often reduced to the sensational, on the one hand, if not to the shameful and despicable, on the other.

Reflection by Serge Patrick Simo, A.A.The theme of the most recent WYD, "Rooted and Built Up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the Faith" (Colossians 2:7), was meant to renew and deepen the faith that I have in my depths as a Christian and an Assumptionist.

WYD was for me an opportunity to savor this breadth in an experience that was also educational, as eye-opening as it was cultural. WYD was one of the best ways to participate in the largest gathering of young people in my lifetime.  Passion for the Kingdom of God brought me there. An apostle’s zeal for young people encouraged me to be there. For me love for my congregation was a leitmotif which I tried always to remember in all that I did, whether in small groups, at the time of the catecheses, or when I met with individual young people.

Reflection by Serge Patrick Simo, A.A.WYD was an EVENT, a challenge at the faith level. I cite as evidence the different moments of intense prayer with young people: the Eucharist, Adoration, Reconciliation, catecheses, the Way of the Cross, etc. More than ever before, I realized how the vicissitudes of weather (dog days of summer, thunderstorms, which have occurred during WYD) can, in no way, suppress the ardent desire to meet Christ and to celebrate the Catholic faith. Gathered in the hundreds of thousands along city streets, proudly brandishing their multi-coloured flags and joyfully engaging in song under a sun that wasn’t embarrassed to happily send its most searing rays, young Catholics bore witness to their unity and to their Christian fellowship rooted in their Catholic faith. Click to read all the article in french.

2. Reflection by Nicolas Potteau, A.A.

Nicolas Potteau, A.A.After long months of preparation, the WYD group organized by the Assumption Family had an opportunity to experience this unforgetful pilgrimage from August 11 to 21, taking them first to Lourdes, then to Madrid. Lourdes was the starting point for these some 360 young people. Even if the French were in the majority, our group featured an international flavor from the beginning. Chileans, Americans, South Koreans, Bulgarians and English-speaking citizens of the Far East gave a bit of international color to the National Pilgrimage.

In Lourdes, from 11-15 August, our group was divided into two. The « WYD pilgrims » (about 100) were mostly foreigners. In addition to the daily prayer and the various celebrations of the National Pilgrimage, they were basically invited to discover Lourdes and its message. As for the « WYD hospitallers » they especially took care of the sick. For the entire group we organized three round-table discussions that focused on the link between faith and life; they were all invited to the two Pilgrimage vigils as well.

Assumption_Young_People_at_WYD_in_Madrid_2011-3From 16-21 August, the group lived in Spain, most of us in the Assumptionist parish. Our arrival was a bit of a hassle because last-minute arrangements forced us to re-arrange the housing options since the local high school couldn’t accommodate us all (our parish handled the overflow!!!). Hats off to the parish volunteers for their dedication and their ability to roll with the punches ; otherwise, we wouldn’t have had such comfortable conditions. As for the handicapped members of our group, they happily received special housing. Click to read all the article in french.

3. Reflections by Sisters Desanges Kyakimwa and Solange Maliki, Orants of the Assumption

Sisters Desanges Kyakimwa and Solange Maliki, Orants of the Assumption Upon our arrival min Madrid, we received our pilgrim packs in which we discovered all kinds of gifts, the most important of which was a personal gift from the Pope, ″Youcat ″, a good book, an abridged version of the Catechism, vary well adapted to young people. In it one can find brief and precise answers to theological and ethical questions that many Christians are asking today.

"Rooted and Built Up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the Faith". This was the main theme of the 26th WYD. Around this theme we listened to three catecheses given by French-speaking bishops. From their extremely rich reflections we recall an essential point they made, that faith does not originate with us; it is a gift we receive from God.  It is revealed in different ways.

Assumption Young People at WYD in Madrid 2011We are called to live our faith in communion with the Church because we do not go to God alone but with others. To be rooted in Christ is to build our life on the rock that is Christ. We are called to give pride of place to Christ in our lives. We, the branches, must remain attached to Christ Risen. The more we are rooted in Christ, the more will we discover ourselves. God created us free and called us to happiness. But we will not be free and happy unless we have Christ at the center of our lives, because a life without Christ is a life which vanishes.

Assumption Young People at WYD in Madrid 2011During our time in Madrid, we had an opportunity to meet four branches of the Assumption Family at one of the Assumptionist communities. As a matter of fact, to celebrate together the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, we were invited, with the young people in our group, to meet the groups of young people housed by religious of different branches of the Assumption Family. During this gathering the Religious Sisters of the Assumption gave us, in a slideshow, the history, the common spirit and the specific traits of the five families of the Assumption. It was a lot of fun. Afterwards, there was a party spirit, fraternal,  with time for prayer, a hot meal and cold drinks. We really celebrated the gift of life. Thanks to our presence,the whole Assumption Family was represented because we were the only two Orants at WYD.

Assumption Young People at WYD in Madrid 2011Another moment that we greatly appreciated was the arrival of Pope Benedict. The wait was long. We arrived two hours early at the square ″la Fuente de Cibeles ″ located at the heart of Madrid, in order to get a place where we could see him well. But it was well worth it. He seemed to see us, to feel welcomed by so many young people. Click to read all the article in french.

4. Chile

Another large group, organized by the Assumptionists, came from Chile. You can view videos of their time in Rome by clicking on these names: Francesco Sepúlveda, Hugo, Julio Guzmán, Ramón Gutiérrez, Young people from Chile.

Last Updated on Monday, 21 November 2011 13:34
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