America's Camp is a fun, high quality, one-week, sleep away camp for children who lost a parent or sibling as a result of the attacks on September 11 and for children or siblings of firefighters and law enforcement officers lost in the line of duty at any time.
Following seven very successful summers, this camp experience is once again being provided at no cost to boys and girls entering 2nd through 10th grades.
America's Camp is taking place from Tuesday, August 16 through Tuesday, August 23, 2011.
America's Camp is located at the site of Camp Danbee, on the shores of magnificent Lake Ashmere, nestled in the heart of the beautiful Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts. The camp is located about three hours north of New York and two hours west of Boston.
From its inception Fr. Peter Precourt, AA, pastor of St. Anne's Parish in Sturbridge, has served as the pastoral advisor of America's Camp, working with staff and participants alike. A friend of Camp Danbee director, Jay Toporoff, Fr. Peter has offered his services every year to the many children who have attended the camp. He has watched them grow over the years. He has shared stories of so many children who discovered in America's Camp an opportunity to heal and deal with the loss they experienced that tragic day ten years ago. And he has spoken about how deeply he himself has been changed by this opportunity to serve these children.
He spoke of one mother, Marian Fontana, who wrote, "I have to tell you what an amazing time Aidan had at America's Camp this summer. For me, it was a turning point for him. Since he has returned, he seems happier, lighter. He felt tremendous confidence and a sense of independence from being away, and most of all he had so much fun. I will never forget picking him up. He ran across the lawn into my arms and said 'Mom! it was the BEST week of my life!' I wanted to cry. It's been such a hard journey for both of us, and your camp made such a profound difference in both of our lives."
