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Home WHAT’S NEW Assumption College World Youth Contingent leaves Worcester for Lourdes and Madrid

Assumption College World Youth Contingent leaves Worcester for Lourdes and Madrid PDF Print E-mail

WYD 2011On Tuesday evening, seventeen students and administrators left from Boston's Logan International Airport on their way to World Youth Day celebrations in Madrid. In Paris they will join the international Assumption-Family contingent that will be preparing for World Youth Day by participating in the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes from August 11 to 16.

The Assumption College group is headed up by assistant director of Campus Ministry, Fr. Dinh Vo Tran Gia, AA, and Mr. Chris Kelley, who graduated in May. Accompanying the group are Dr. Franceso Cesareo, the president of the College and his family, as well as Br. Ronald Sibugan, AA, a third-year seminarian at Boston College, and Mr. James Rizza, Director of Campus Ministry.

Bro. RONALD SIBUGAN, A.A.Since the 19th century, the Assumptionists have been sponsoring a large-scale to Lourdes on the occasion of the feast of the Assumption, an event that gathers some 10,000 pilgrims each summer. World Youth Day organizers highly encourage participants to dedicate a period of preparation (a retreat, pilgrimage, study session, etc.) before attending the actual WYD events.

Fr. VO TRAN GIA DINH, A.A.The WYD contingent sponsored by the Assumption Family will be made up of participants from a wide variety of countries --- Belgium, France, Romania, the Congo, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, the United States, among others. While in Madrid they will be staying at Assumptionist parishes in the city.

Basilica, LourdesBefore leaving, Mr. Kelley summarized the feelings of the group, "It's hard to believe that all of our planning is coming to fulfillment and that we're on our way. It is going to be an incredible experience. The opportunity to be involved with the Assumptionist pilgrimage to Lourdes adds a really special dimension  --- to be with groups organized by Assumptionists from all over the world and to spend time in such a powerful place as Lourdes."

Fr. John L. Franck, A.A.

Last Updated on Sunday, 28 August 2011 14:06
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