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Fear is like a wall built between Jesus Christ and us; until we can tear it down, we will be capable of nothing.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Interview with Mr. James Rizza

Interview with Mr. James Rizza PDF Print E-mail


Would you share with us a bit about your background and education?

James – Coming to Assumption College was a surprise for me but providentially has become an excellent ‘fit’ for me. I believe this because of the preparation I had with the Benedictines in high school in Kansas and then in their minor seminary in California. For a time, I was also a novice with them.

How did you come to Assumption?

James – When looking for a campus ministry position, I was attracted to the strong intellectual tradition of the Assumptionists. Likewise, I have found the transition from the charism of the Benedictines to theirs very smooth.

What is it about the strong intellectual tradition of the Assumptionists that attracted you to them?

James – I am very interested in the relationship between faith and the secular society, which of course, was a primary focus for Fr.d’Alzon. It was my study of economics and philosophy, as a double major in a secular college, that led me to theology.

What has been your experience as Campus Ministry Director at Assumption?

James – I began my ministry at Assumption on June 14, 2010 and as I continue my own growth in the faith, always striving for understanding, I feel most comfortable in this community on a daily basis. Students constantly come with challenges and questions expressing their openness and honesty in seeking the truth. It is a joy to work with them!

What has been some of the significant events, activities and programs through which you have experienced these meaningful encounters with students?

James – The ones that stand out in my mind most significantly include the occasion of Fr. Dinh’s ordination, the preparation for and dedication of  Fr. d’Alzon’s sculpture in front of the library, the various service projects of our students who serve and work with the poor here in the U.S., Ecuador and beyond, and the preparation of students to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation and their participation in the RCIA process.

What have been the challenges that you have encountered during your first year at Assumption?

James – I think that one of the big challenges of campus ministry and possibly of the whole college is in working toward unity of our total campus community. But I am hopeful that it is possible and that we can come together better as a faith community.

What is the vision or goal of campus ministry moving forward?

James – Our goal is to continue to reach out to everyone, but especially to our students and listen with our hearts and minds. I hope and expect that the new Campus Ministry Center, soon to be located as part of the Chapel site, will afford us many more opportunities to interact with students, faculty and administration and enable us to grow in our services to them.

Could you give us a few examples?

James – Yes, for example, there is great potential with the Chapel’s Choir, the growth of our men’s Bible Study Group and the beginning of liturgical dance. In addition, I will be part of a group going to World Youth Day this August in Madrid and then on to Lourdes. Upon our return, it will be important  for us to share that experience with the Assumption College community.

Any final thoughts?

James – As I am constantly reminded of the college’s motto, “Until Christ Be Formed In You,” I see our ministry on campus to be that of the ‘sower’ found in Jesus’ parable. The college experience is a key moment in the lives of these young men and women and our role is to sow God’s Word, water and nourish God’s life in them while they are here. They are the Church we must celebrate!

Last Updated on Monday, 18 July 2011 15:40
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