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Your faith, hope and charity will grow to the extent that you share them with your brothers and sisters.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Day of Prayer in Sturbridge

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FrPeterDay of Recollection for Those in Ministry at St Anne-St.Patrick Parish - an Assumptionist Parish in Strubridge, MA

A Lenten day of recollection for those in ministry took place recently in St. Anne/St. Patrick’s parish in Sturbridge, MA. The theme “Lord, Teach Us to Pray” was developed by the parish staff members and lay ministers who reached out to one another. The attendees of the day long event, which concluded with liturgy, were parish volunteers who represented areas of service which included: social outreach, grounds maintenance, hospitality, catechesis, liturgy, pro-life, finance/development, prayer groups and special events, just to mention a few.

Presentations such as, “The Importance of Prayer” and the “Our Father,” were followed by small group discussions and private prayer time.

As one parishioner noted:
“The participants were adults from different age groups whose prayer lives differed from one to another. For example, there was a young person with a family who found it difficult to make time for lengthy prayer. Another person came to the realization that unceasing prayer really is possible and that we can dwell daily in the peace and presence of God.”

Another person stated:

“Fr. Peter Precourt, A.A., our pastor, provided an insightful talk on the Augustinian approach to prayer and reconciliation. Bro. Paul Henry, A.A. contrasted the different perspectives of the Western church traditions toward the prayer that Jesus gave us. The group discussions provided a real sense of being part of a parish family and gave us an opportunity to make new friends.”

Other responses included:

“The day provided a kind of a spiritual booster shot as we begin Lent.”

“Our journey is not an easy one but in the end the only thing that will matter is how much we have loved God and one another.”

“I have been in the parish for eight years and didn’t know too many people. So this day of prayer gave me an opportunity to get to know more of our parishioners. We really are very fortunate to have the staff that we have here at St. Anne’s.

“I hope that the experience of this day will open the door for more retreats like this for our parish.”

“…this should be an annual event.”

In summation, “This day has shed much light and given us much insight on the meaning of the Assumptionists’ motto, 'Thy Kingdom Come.' Amen.”

Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
Day of Prayer in Sturbridge
  • Day of Prayer in Sturbridge

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 March 2011 16:56
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