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- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Letter from the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone to Fr. General, Richard Lamoureux, AA

Letter from the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone to Fr. General, Richard Lamoureux, AA PDF Print E-mail

The Vatican, 18 November 2010

Reverend Father,

You recently sent to His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, a message on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Father Emmanuel d’Alzon, founder of the Augustinians of the Assumption and of the Oblates of the Assumption, assuring him of your prayers for his ministry as Successor of Peter. The Holy Father is very grateful for this attention on your part.

In giving to your Congregation the motto Adveniat regnum tuum, Emmanuel d’Alzon wanted to make it clear that preaching, education and teaching, which are at the heart of your apostolate, should have as its exclusive content the proclamation of the Reign of God, that is, the person of Jesus himself. May this anniversary of your Founder be for you all an opportunity to “discover ever anew the urgency and the beauty of the proclamation of the word for the coming of the Kingdom of God which Christ himself preached.” (Verbum Domini, n. 93) Through an ever closer knowledge of the thought of Saint Augustine, your principal guide, may you learn to place at the heart of your life as religious and as missionaries the love of God for all people, as made manifest by his Son. May this great Doctor of the Church help you to work with zeal for unity and reconciliation among peoples, a mission that we receive from the Lord himself!

In this year of grace for your Institutes, entrusting you to the intercession of Our Lady of the Assumption and the protection of Saint Augustine, the Holy Father is happy to impart the apostolic Blessing, to all of the Augustinians of the Assumption and the Oblates of the Assumption.

Be assured, Reverend Father, of my cordial and devoted best wishes.

+ Tarsicio Card. Bertone
Secretary of State of His Holiness

Last Updated on Friday, 24 December 2010 15:40
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