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Give me a young Christian who prays … I will easily make of him a saint.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW CONVERSATIONS AT THE CENTER - d'Alzon; his life and charism

CONVERSATIONS AT THE CENTER - d'Alzon; his life and charism PDF Print E-mail

Father Claude, AA presenting at the ConversationsAs a way of honoring the Founder of the Augustinians of the Assumption, Fr. Emmanuel d’Alzon and concluding the bicentennial of his birth, Fr. Claude Grenache, A.A. led this month’s “Conversations At The Center” in Brighton, MA for the residents and guests. Developing the theme of “The Life and Charism of Venerable Emmanuel d’Alzon,” Fr. Claude began by situating the life of Fr. d’Alzon in its historical context of mid 19th century France. This dramatically illustrated Fr. d’Alzon’s familial roots, the chaos of France’s post Revolution turmoil, as well as the challenges facing the Church at that time.

A Nobleman by birth, Fr. d’Alzon’s passionate love of Christ, His Mother and the Church led him to priesthood, serving as Vicar General of his diocese in Nimes for all of his life and as founder of the Augustinians of the Assumption.

Serving the Church in all of these capacities, it was through education, in its broadest definition, that he dedicated his life, for through it he saw the ‘formation of Christ in souls.’ Whether relating to students, teachers or administrators at Assumption, the school which he ran or later as his vision broadened to include: missions in the Near East, his interest in ecumenism, his founding of an open and free minor seminary or his founding a daily Catholic newspaper, it was his motto of ‘Thy Kingdom Come” and passion in preaching and proclaiming Christ’s presence in the world, that set the course of his life and ministry which has affected future generations and his sons in the Church.

Several special events, activities and programs have taken place during this year. Here in the U.S. Region an extraordinary gathering took place in August, 2010 at Assumption College in Worcester which reached out to the extended Assumptionist Family and was blessed by the presence of the congregation’s Superior General Fr. Richard Lamoureux, A.A. In October, 2010 a statue of Fr. d’Alzon and two students was unveiled at the d’Alzon Library at the college. Books on his life and numerous writings have been reprinted, along with the production of mementos commemorating the year of celebration.

Following Fr. Claude’s presentation, there was a lively and insightful discussion which primarily focused on the Kingdom here and yet to be!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 November 2010 07:56
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