This past August 28 four young Vietnamese (Duong, Duc, Nam and Tai) made their first vows in the congregation. It was an important event because it was the very first time that young Assumptionists pronounced their first vows in Vietnam.
The entire Assumption Family rented a bus for 50 to make the trip from Saigon to the novitiate some 50 miles away; there were Assumptionist brothers and Oblate Sisters, but also postulants and candidates.
The chapel was entirely too small to accommodate the crowd gathered for Mass and the vows: friends, benefactors, relatives, neighbors, etc. Nearly 2/3 of those present were able to follow the beautiful and simple ceremony thanks to the loud-speaker outside.
After the ceremony, everyone gathered in the garden to enjoy an abundant and delicious meal.
Named to the house of formation of Binh Loi, the four newly professed left the novitiate immediately after the festive meal. Thus they made room for 4 new novices.
Note to reader: The Assumptionists arrived in Vietnam in 2006 and have now expanded to three communities. Their major ministries include vocation and formation work, as well as outreach to university students, care of an orphanage, and pastoral ministry.