An article by Michèle Castonguay, Lay Assumptionist in Quebec
My life has not been the same since I have been participating in the formation courses offered by the Assumptionist religious brothers of Montmartre in Quebec City. I have the impression of experiencing a new birth, both intellectually and spiritually. Whether it is the reading of biblical texts or the study of painters who throughout the centuries have been inspired by the Bible, these spiritual encounters strengthen our faith. We are deepening our understanding of the epistles of St. Paul, especially his letter to the Romans, which we are working on with Father Edouard. With a focus on the person of the risen Christ, these readings and classes give us a greater understanding of the human being in relationship with God.
We learn to see the problems of our time such as the pandemic, the impact of American politics and euthanasia in the light of the good news of the gospel. Through Fr. Marcel's workshops on the Creed, we strive to understand the foundations of our Christian faith in today's world. Our faith also needs inspiration. Father Jean-Bosco leads us in the footsteps of great spiritual figures such as Master Eckhart, Therese of Avila, Mary of the Incarnation, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ... In another formation class, Father John Bosco presents the genealogy of Jesus described in the Gospel of Matthew.

Several partnerships are planned by the Center of Culture and Faith. There are opportunities to deepen our spirituality alongside Charlotte Plante. With Monique Lortie, we seek to live in the present moment with the help of spiritual exercises. Monique also introduces us to the great masters of the past. For his part, Thomas de Koninck offers reflections on the nature of thought and love. Regular meetings are also offered with the diocese of Quebec and the Chair of Philosophy at Laval University.
For a few weeks now, we have been benefiting, thanks to YouTube, from “capsule” courses centered on the word of God. These capsules of five minutes, mid-week, allow us to grow in our faith and spiritual quest. Finally, let us underline the homilies offered by the religious. These homilies, profound and always in connection with the liturgical texts and our daily life, help the Christians of our community to walk towards the Kingdom of God.

Founded in 1925 by Venerable Marie-Clement Staub (1876-1936), an Assumptionist priest, The Montmartre Community is made up of Assumptionist religious, lay collaborators, members of the Lay-Religious Alliance, and many friends and visitors. It is a place of prayer, meeting and formation. We invite our French-speaking friends to visit the Montmartre Center’s Facebook Page for information on upcoming events, typically available through Zoom. All are welcome to participate.