:: Quote of the Day :: |
The strength of Christian charity is to be able to love those whom we judge to be impossible to live with and who, in turn, consider us impossible to live with as well. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
Home WHAT’S NEW Palm Sunday and Easter Triduum Schedules
All our Masses will be at St. Joachim Chapel (Parish Center).
Those who cannot join us for Palm Sunday and would like to have palms, you can pick up blessed palms at St. Anne Church after the 12:30 PM Mass.
On Good Friday, April 2, at 12 noon, we will have the Stations of the Cross outside (weather permitting). We request those attending to observe social distancing and we encourage everyone to wear a face mask.
Remember that on Easter Sunday we will only have two Masses: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM. Since we cannot still have Holy Water in holy water fonts because of the guidelines, we will have water in small plastic containers blessed during the Easter Vigil. You can pick one at St. Anne Church after the 10:00 AM Mass.
The Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil Liturgies, as well as the 8:00 AM Easter Sunday Mass will be live-streamed through our YouTube Channel (St Anne St Patrick) and Facebook page (StAnneStPatrick).
A blessed Easter Triduum to all of you!
Last Updated on Thursday, 25 March 2021 10:36 |