A Letter from
Deacon Paul Covino
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
You've probably heard the saying, "Everyone is Irish on Saint Patrick's Day!" In my case, you can probably tell from my last name that my father's ethnic ancestry was Italian, but my mother, whose family name was Gallagher, traced her ethnic roots to Ireland and French Canada. So, I'm happy to claim Irish ancestry on this annual feast that is so dear to Ireland and its people.
What you may not know is that Saint Patrick himself was not Irish by ethnic ancestry. He was born in the year 389 in Britain which, at the time, was controlled by Romans. As Robert Ellsberg notes, "At the age of sixteen (Patrick) was kidnapped...and taken to Ireland as a slave. Sold to a local king, he spent six years in menial occupations.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 10:19 |