A Letter from Emily McCall
Come & See
How much easier would it be if the deepest questions of our hearts could be found in a quick Google search or scroll on Instagram? How much simpler it would be if I could just ask Siri “hey Siri, what is the meaning of my life?”
It is too often the case that the very questions we deeply long to have answered are the ones we most often run away from or numb altogether either because we are afraid of the answer, or like many of us, we are afraid we will not receive an answer at all.
“Come and see” says a young Nazarene to two men searching for the answer to life’s biggest question. “Come and see” says He who created you and who knows the deepest longings of the heart. “Come and see.” Are these not the words we ache to hear in the recesses of our own hearts?
Jesus responds to the deep longing of your heart with such tenderness and eagerness in his eyes. “Come and see.”
This February 4-7th we are digging deep into these questions and more with over 12,000 college students from around the country as we gather for SEEK21, an interactive digital experience created for you by FOCUS.
come. hear. see. encounter. You are worthy of this encounter.