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Home WHAT’S NEW Renewal of Vows - Brother Ronald Sibugan, A.A.

Renewal of Vows - Brother Ronald Sibugan, A.A. PDF Print E-mail

Photo AlbumThe Assumptionist Center in Brighton, MA was the site of Bro. Ron's renewal of temporary vows on Saturday, August 28th, the Feast of the Solemnity of St. Augustine. Fr. Dennis Gallagher, A.A., Regional Superior, celebrant and homilist at the liturgy, received Bro.Ron's profession of vows on behalf of the congregation and the Church.

In his homily, Fr. Dennis spoke of Bro Ron's life journey, freely chosen, as  charting a course that binds himself and his fate to that of Christ, "participating in his redemptive love for the world." In desiring to live out this ideal on a daily basis, Bro Ron and all Assumptionists are strengthened by the model of their father St. Augustine's desire "to lead a life of peaceful contemplation," amid the challenges and demands of life which require frequent surrendering of one's self for the love of Christ. Truly, Bro. Ron's profession of commitment bore witness to this ideal.

Following the liturgy, the community and guests of Bro. Ron continued the joyous celebration with a cookout in the backyard of the Center.    


Last Updated on Monday, 30 August 2010 08:11
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