A very special Provincial Zoom meeting was held on Saturday, August 8th. Its purpose was to provide a platform for communication with the tandems in the North American Province. Those participating in the meeting were the following: Fr. Dennis Gallagher, Provincial Superior; Fr. Thierry Kahongia, Assistant to Father General; Fr. Edward Shatov and Patty Haggerty, Provincial Tandem; Chantal Rouette, part of the tandem for Québec; Sr. Clare Bertero and Sylvia Desautels, tandem for Sturbridge, MA; Br. Blair Nuyda with Brian and Allison Bialas, tandem for Brighton, MA; Fr. Oswaldo Garcia Sanchez and Maricarmen Martinez Alvarez, tandem for Mexico; and Andrew Mercado, Vocations Coordinator.
The group shared their coping strategies for the pandemic, as well as how they remained connected with their fellow Lay Assumptionists. The participants also began a discussion on a potential Zoom meeting for a broader group of Lay Assumptionists to take place some time in November. This would be a way of celebrating the conclusion of the Jubilee Year and of celebrating the anniversary of the death of Emmanuel d'Alzon.
(Our thanks to Brother Blair for providing the picture of our Zoom meeting.)
By Pat Haggerty
Last Updated on Monday, 17 August 2020 10:23 |