Augustinians of the Assumption

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Here is the secret of holiness: be men of prayer.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Mother Church gives us every year the opportunity to celebrate Pentecost, fifty days after Easter in memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. But, this year, this feast was not celebrated in parishes as usual because of the disease commonly called Corona Virus or the Covid19. It came quite suddenly, changed the usual ritual of our celebrations and the very lifestyle of our societies. The disaster caused by this disease has affected most nations and its victims are increasing every day all over the world.  To avoid this wave of covid19 contamination, many countries have taken various preventive measures among which are a ban on going out, touching or greeting others, Church services are suspended, schools and universities have closed and students have been sent back to their families.

However, our community as a family has taken certain measures not to allow the covid19 to disorganize our community lifestyle. This has allowed us to celebrate with success and joy the Easter Vigil, the resurrection of Christ and Pentecost at which four Assumptionist brothers professed perpetual vows. These are Razanajatovo Julien from Madagascar, Nkoyooyo Ignatius from Uganda, Mwingaiza Joseph from Uganda and Muhindo Saasita Faustin from DRC. At the introduction of the Mass, Father Luc Martel underlined that: this celebration of Pentecost helps us to reflect on the vocation given us by the Spirit at our baptism and confirmation; that vocation being to continue his work in this world. The profession of perpetual vows of our brothers is their commitment and, for all of us, a reminder of our commitment to the Lord to continue his work in this world. The mass was celebrated by Father Luc Martel secretary of the Vice-Province of East Africa, concelebrated by Fathers Charles Muvunga, Claude Masimengo, Arnold Lukombola, Gilles Blouin, Cristopher Quinal, Dieudonné Tsongo and  Mawazo Kavula.

In his homily, Father Luc Martel underlined that Pentecost is the completion of the Easter season and that it is now the Spirit who continues to renew the face of the world. We were asked to remember and to realize that it is through us that the Holy Spirit will renew the face of the earth; that it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we, who are the pilgrim church, may ever hope to realize the kind of unity the Scriptures speak of.  He concluded by inviting us to heed the exhortation which Paul extended to his Corinthian community stating that the unity of the Spirit does not do away with differences but rather brings all our gifts together for the good of all and to make our very many talents serve the proclamation of the Gospel.  “This unity in diversity is symbolized for us today in the profession which our brothers will now make.”

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Last Updated on Monday, 06 July 2020 20:53
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