Augustinians of the Assumption

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Here is the secret of holiness: be men of prayer.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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BRO. JEAN BOSCO, A.A.- Would you share a bit about your background: family, childhood, early education?

- Br. Kambale Kanyama Jean Bosco. Well, I come from the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, North Kivu Province; born in September 14th 1983. I am the second of six children of Mr. Muhindo Kyuma Maurice and Mrs. Kyakimwa Kanaha Jermanie. I grew up in a Catholic family and, being brought up in such an environment, I believe my faith was formed and nurtured at an early age. I believe, my parents had a great influence on me and my faith.

My attraction to become a religious followed me from my childhood throughout my teenage years. During my primary school as well as my secondary school, I let this desire grow in me. I nourished it with various commitments, especially by serving as an altar boy. However, there was a time when I did feel like not answering the call. But the call was very persistent and I could not ignore it. It is only at the end of my secondary school at Institut Bunyuka, a school run by the little sisters of the presentation of Mary in the Temple (Petites Soeurs de la Presentation de Marie au Temple, founded by Henry Pierard, assumptionist) that I strongly felt I should respond to my religious call.

- Where/how did your Assumptionist roots begin?  Did anyone in particular have a significant impact on your life?

- Well, I entered the Congregation of the Augustinians of the Assumption in 2007, which I got to know through the later Fr. Vincent Machozi (Fr. Vincent was savagely murdered in DR Congo in 2015). Fr. Vincent Machozi was an assumptionist and relative to me, and during those times, I had been visiting him over many days in his community.

What attracted me to join his religious congregation, the Assumption, was that sense of warm welcoming, friendliness, hospitality which characterizes the members; but also what drew me to the Augustinians of the Assumption was that commitment of the brothers to do everything together, praying together, eating together, playing together, etc.

- Would you share some of your later education and formation memories? Do you have any favorite scripture passages?

- You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with your entire mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself (Mt 22:37-39). This passage of the Gospel quickly appeared to me as the way to serve God. My vocation is to put myself at the service of all men and women, to make them live of the mercy of God, of his divine life from which flow peace and joy.

- Where and what did subsequent community assignments take you?

- After completing my elementary and high school studies, I taught for three years in primary school before meeting the assumptionists in 2006. I then was admitted to the novitiate Saint Charles Lwanga after an assumptionist community life experience in Blessed Kamen postulate in Kyondo (DRC); I made my first vows in Butembo in 2009. The same year, I had to join Saint Augustine community to study philosophy, with an intermediate year of pastoral experience at Radio Moto Oïcha in eastern Dr Congo.

In 2013, at the end of my degree in philosophy, I joined Emmanuel House community in Kenya, first, for a one year of pastoral experience, and then for a three years degree in Theology at Hekima University College. Fully professed in Butembo in 2015, I was ordained deacon two years later in Beni in 2017. The same year, I was appointed to Quebec to join the religious and lay people who animate the pastoral at Montmartre. I am currently a deacon at Montmartre canadien, and prepare myself to priesthood.

- How have you experienced growth in the living out of your Assumptionist  charism?

- During my formation, at all levels, I am discovering little by little, through the events, through meetings and all the places I have frequented, what God expects from me. I have met people who are truly happy to serve the Lord and their brothers and sisters; I have met radiant men and women missionaries at the service of the gospel. I have seen God working in the world through their hands. I felt the presence of God in them, and I have a great desire to live the same experience, as an assomptionist priest all my life.

Living out of the assumption charism has also made me know how to discover the signs of the Reign of God in my everyday life. And this has been possible every time I open my heart and made it available for God and whenever I let myself be amazed by the Love at work in the hearts of men and women of our time. I have become aware of the beauty and grandeur of God's Love. I perceive the grandeur and nobility of the mission of announcing this love. Naturally, I feel deep in my heart that this mission is for me, and for it I want to commit and spend all my life.

- Would you share any happy memories/stories?

- Providence and grace! I made my final vows in the congregation on the anniversary of my first communion. What a beautiful coincidence! What a beautiful nod from God who gives Himself entirely in the Holy Communion and who wanted to associate the offering of my life with his great mystery.

- What hobbies or other interests do you have?

- My hobby is listening to music. I love music because music relaxes my mind. Music is for me an interesting and exciting hobby. Sometimes, I listen to music while lying in my bed. Every day I also do listen to a meditative song before I wake up. What is the kind of music that I love the most? It must be the classic song, Mozart relaxation songs and of course East Africa swahili catholic songs.

Besides listening to music, I also like listening to the radio. My last hobby but not least is learning new languages. I believe that every language gives an opportunity to learn a lot of new things, and not only about this language itself but also about the related countries and cultures. Besides, we live in a time when our communication possibilities have expanded greatly. For instance, today we can use Skype or other similar software to make video calls to any place in the world, and if I happen to speak a lot of languages, then it is, of course, easier to form and maintain relations with interesting people. And also, being a missionary in an international congregation, it is important for me to speak more than three international languages. So for me, that multilingualism is, above all else, a hobby. I speak Kinande (my mother tongue), Kiswahili, French, English, Lingala, and now, I am learning Spanish.

- What is your vision and or hope for the future of the congregation and/or the Church?

- Well, first of all, for me, my dream ministry would be either teaching or formation ministry and then preaching the word of God. I also have an interest in journalism. The dream that I have for the Assumption is that of expanding and venturing in many other places throughout the world.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 31 October 2018 11:26
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