Augustinians of the Assumption

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Here is the secret of holiness: be men of prayer.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Fr. Peter Khue, A. A., superior of the Assumptionists in VietnamOn his recent three week visit to the U.S., shared an informative and inspiring power point presentation with the communities of the region about the congregation's presence in his country. There are now three communities with the hope of expansion in the near future. In addition, Fr. Peter reported on the Asian Forum gathering of Assumptionists which took place in Manila.

Graciously hosted by the community at Emmanuel House in Worcester, those in attendance heard Fr. Peter briefly mention that the primary objective of his visit was to explore ways in which the Assumptionists in Vietnam may one day collaborate with Assumption College in apostolic initiatives and exchange students with an eye toward establishing a university in the future.

Only three years ago, three Assumptionists, who were trained in France to do formation work, established the first community in Saigon. Today, three communities exist, one for postulants (2006), one as a novitiate (2009) and the third as a formation house (2009), the last two of which are fifty miles from the first house.

Presently in the postulant community, there are two priests, one brother and a French speaking volunteer to teach the six postulants. The purpose of this community is, as one would expect, to instill and nurture a spirit of fraternity, focusing on God as the center of all activities, always open to Him working through all people. In addition to the study of theology, formation in the apostolate, as Fr. Peter beautifully illustrated through many photos in his presentation, includes working in the local orphanage and parish catechetical ministry.

The novitiate, which began in August, consists of three Assumptionists and four novices who focus on religious formation and pastoral activities which include after school programs, outreach to the poor and sick, assisting at Masses, catechetical instruction and participation in the choir.

The formation community, Fr. Peter continued, consists of two priests and one brother who are committed to ongoing formation and are open to the needs and opportunities for service in the apostolate in the light of Assumptionist charisms with the intention of eventually housing scholastics. The community is presently very active in the life of the local parish, evangelizing, catechizing and celebrating liturgies. The dream of eventually establishing separate residences for students and candidates who would gather together monthly, gives rise to a future full of hope and promise for the Assumptionist community in Vietnam.

Fr. Peter concluded his presentation by reporting on the congregation's Asian Forum which took place in February, 2010. The initial idea, having begun a year ago, came to fruition for the purposes of gathering Assumptionists in Asia in order to get to know one another and to present the realities of ministry in that part of the world, with the intent of collaborating their efforts as they move forward. Specifically, their immediate goals are to exchange formation experiences, to strengthen Bayard Press in Asia and to collaborate in the areas of social work and vocation ministry.

Last Updated on Thursday, 01 April 2010 04:40
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