Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Veronika with friends

January 23, 2018

Thanks to the help of the Augustinians of the Assumption in USA and France, as well as the Oblates Sisters of the Assumption, a young woman has the opportunity to study abroad in Nîmes, France for a school year. Veronika Jaster is a junior in high school from Northborough, Massachusetts, and she is the daughter of Tomasz Jaster, who works for the Assumptionists in their Boston headquarters.

Veronika is staying with a host family who is very caring and welcoming, and she attends the Institut Emmanuel d’Alzon with her host sister. The Institute is a private Catholic school that is composed of a middle school, high school, vocational school and university. Veronika is studying in the high school’s Literary branch, where most of her courses focus on the humanities and the arts. Veronika also plays the cello in the high school’s music band.

She often visits the city’s Assumptionist communities and spends time with the Brothers and Sisters. One of the Sisters gave her a tour of the local Emmanuel d’Alzon museum, and Veronika found it very interesting to learn about the history of d’Alzon’s childhood, his mission, and his legacy that continues today all over the world.

At the Sunday evening masses, Veronika plays in the youth band, and she is also continuing her private cello lessons with a local cellist.

Veronika is very passionate for the French language and culture, as well as languages in general. She hopes to pursue language in her future career, so she is very grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime experience and to everyone who has made it possible.

with the school staff and familieswith the school staff and families

HS classmatesHS classmates

dinner with Assumptionistsdinner with Assumptionists

Veronika with her familyVeronika with her family

The Arena of NîmesThe Arena of Nîmes

d'Alzon's hatFather d'Alzon's hat

Having fun with a friendHaving fun with a friend

at the Roman temple
at the Roman temple

Last Updated on Friday, 26 January 2018 12:36
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