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Home WHAT’S NEW A Brazilian Assumptionist bishop gains emeritus status, Jose Geraldo da Cruz

A Brazilian Assumptionist bishop gains emeritus status, Jose Geraldo da Cruz PDF Print E-mail

A Brazilian Assumptionist bishop Jose Geraldo da CruzBy Br. Ramón Gutierrez, A.A.

I had the pleasure of being present to accompany my religious brother, the bishop of Juazeiro, Jose Geraldo da Cruz, on the day that he passed the episcopal reins to the new diocesan bishop, Carlos Alberto Breis Pereira, OFM, and immediately became bishop emeritus. I was the only Assumptionist able to attend this event in Juazeiro.

I had also been present in this city in 2014 and had the opportunity to spend time with many priests, religious, and lay-people. The occasion: the day that Bishop da Cruz rededicated the cathedral and confirmed its status as the shrine of Nossa Senhora das Grotas. There was an atmosphere of joy and profound reverence that day.

The shrine of Nossa Senhora das GrotasThe shrine of Nossa Senhora das Grotas

During my most recent visit, I could see that the atmosphere was different. I was there this time for the transition of bishops and in such cases that have to do with people, feelings were mixed. That's normal, I suppose.

I was able to meet the new bishop and speak with him and he appeared to be personable, affectionate, and people-centered. And he spoke good Spanish. My brother, the bishop, was taken up right till the last minute getting everything in order for the transition of power.

I could see how generous both of these men were, able to leave behind their previous lives and commitments to become wedded to their spouse, the Church, to dedicate themselves solely to the Christ and to his people.

Bishop da Cruz visiting his dioceseBishop da Cruz visiting his diocese

At the request of the metropolitan bishop José Geraldo has accepted to remain in the diocese and assist the new bishop especially in various financial matters.

Most Rev José Geraldo Da Cruz, bishop emeritus of Juazeiro-Bahía, Brazil, was named bishop on June 4, 2003, taking as his motto that of the Assumption, ADVENIAT REGNUM TUUM (Thy Kingdom Come). He was born in Muriaé, Minas Gerais, Brazil, on August 8, 1941.

During his term as bishop, he ordained for his this small diocese 9 priests, recruited 9 more who are currently in the seminary, and 40 who are discerning a priestly vocation.

He significantly improved the administrative structures of the diocese as well as its financial health. Parishes and Church movements seem to be thriving with a high level of lay participation.

For me being there was a moment of great pride and joy.

Last Updated on Friday, 07 October 2016 11:27
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